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Enter The Kid

Oh my Jesus F***ing Christ!!!! It's been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frickin' long since last I even came here myself. For immediately right now though all you will get is this brand spankin new intro to absolute seriously, if you follow the link to the used-to-be Exit you will find nothing but the void of that which it is. Dang that was deep. Well, all I can say is that I have big plans for this site (hopefully)and as soon as I get to college I will have a little more personal time to just update the shit out of this mutha! But before all that happens I will have to re-aquaint myself with this whole "H-T-M-L" business. Yeah. Anyway y'all (that's right. I said "y'all" so yous guys can eat my shit. That is if you wanna, I guess.) thaz all you get for now sos peace out my homies.