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The Mistral's Home

Fluffy clouds dotted the skies. Grass spreaded for miles and miles. Coming into a meadow, you see a girl sitting on a fence near very homey looking cottage.

She smiles and said, "Welcome to the Mistrals Plains." "I take care of the mistrals. I recieved a miniwing mistral. They have miniature wings-ears and a spread of tail feathers and a spiralled horn. They are generally very affectionate, and fond of physical displays of love. Chirpy and often talkative, fun-loving and adventurous. Also I take care of a swirlycurl mistral. They have wavy mane on the crest and no ears. Their tail is curved and so is their horn. Their temperament is always thinking and they are very quiet. They are practically wary of strangers, so I don't really invite many people nor do they come. Come inside."

She jumped off the fence and opened the door into the cottage. Inside a bowl layed much with honey, with a book, and some sort of flute like instrument. You stare at the intrument with confusion and intrest. She notices you with amusement and said, "Oh, that." "That is an ocarina. Mistrals can play them with magic." You look around and asked, "Where do Mistrals come from anyway?" She blushed and said, "Why that is the most important thing of all." "Mistrals come from here. I hope you visit there. My friend is lives on the other side of my cottage, would you like to visit him? If you do, I'll lead you to him. Want to see my mistrals?" You nod. "Come here." She led you outside to the backyard. A mistral was playing with an ocarina.

When it saw her, it kind of fluttered to her. Then it spoke, "Niiice per.. per... person." "I Ruu...bbyy...iiaa Skeeyye Waaing. "Wiiild pa..reeents."

It looked at you with curioustity. Then she said, "What Rubyia meant was her parents were wild." "Mistrals don't speak English well, although Fae is fluent. I hope this will help you know her more by this." She handed you a white scroll. On it scribbled:

Name: Rubyia SkyeWing
Gender: Female
Breed: SwirlyCurl
Theme: Redgrape
Parents: Wild

Then another mistral appeared.

"This is Fi Ritta."

Name: Fi Rita
Gender: Female
Breed: Miniwing
Theme: Fire
Parents: Wild

"Oooo,"Fi said. She flew around a bit before settling down.

Everything slowly started to fade away and you were in the meadow again.

Background came from SweetWater Valley