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Lord Raven
Father and Lord of Raven's Blood

As noted in the history of Raven's blood Lord Raven Himself could not be killed He lives on each day within the Time Stream returning to His chylder when needed. As He so mentioned the blood of Raven controled both the blue and black flames of life.. With this His childer have developed ways in which they themselves control through alpha and omega the begining of life and the death of time.

The second gen of Raven's Blood are the direct desendents of Him...His childer. They may unlike the normal vampire walk the day. They can only be killed through beheading. Silver and holy water and other natural deterents to the average vampire has no meaning to them.

Currently His known still living childer are: Snowtigress, Staind, Art, Precious Trouble, Primative Art, Valek, Stashia, and Cande

Their childer include: Crimson, Miyray, DIN, Sloan, Tersieus, Megan, Katrina, (others of Art's names unknown) (Valek and Cande's list coming soon) these of the 3rd gen of Raven's blood can still withstand most common things however the exposure to sunlight would give them a light sunburn and over prolonged exposure could do damage unrecoverable from but this is stated in stress prolonged time is not known as to exactly how long
The 4th gen of Raven's Blood are acceptable to walk only minutes within the sun before feeling the burning flesh but yet the severity depends on the indiviudal strength of the childer some could last longer then others

COD is now located under the care of Precious Trouble and found within the city of Portland by night on others of this Family have choosen to leave the nest of Family and its protection seaking other homes this is in noway seen as disloyal to the Blood or Family but is away to spread the Power of Raven throughout the World of Darkness.

Valek is now Lord of the Towers of Darkness as well resides His childer
Art Officer of the CoD, Castles of Darkness (not the same clan however) on

in final reminder before moving on to powers

all others like Staind, Art and now Valek and Trouble are merely pawns in Lord Raven's work....acting in the best interests of their Family

Raven's Powers other then the forces of the flames of life are depended upon Your Sire and His/Her first Bloodline

Currently the bloodline is a mixture of Giovanni, Grangrel, Baali, Toreador, Tremere, and Fallen Angel

current trainers in the abilities of Raven's Blood are SnowTigress, Precious Trouble and Megan Darkstar

Raven's Bood

Raven's Bood Family Tree