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Hi there!  Welcome to our little space on the Web!  Glad you could make it!

**This site was built using some decorative & fun fonts to make it interesting,
so check here to get help in viewing it the way we built it.**

**Also, this server has a TON of pop-up ads, and I'm sorry - it stinks, I know.
Pat & I utilize Pop-Up Stopper a FREE service that works wonders.  Check 'em out!**

Pat and I decided a while ago to open up a place on the Web so that we could keep you all informed of what's happening in our lives as well as show you some of our hobbies & interests.  Little did we know how much was involved.  So, I grabbed an "HTML for Dummies" book, and taught myself.  Piece of cake!  I've been having a blast creating all of this - not to mention it keeps us out of trouble.

On the following pages you'll see pictures of our old residence in Syracuse, NY, a peek at some of our family members' better moments, our niece and nephew, places we've been, and what we like to do in our free time to keep ourselves out of trouble.

So grab a cup of coffee, kick back and relax, and enjoy the tour.  Glad you decided to stop by!

Camp Quality | Family | Hobbies | The Kids | NY Duplex