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Susan Kay's Phantom- My entry for the "Design a cover for Susan Kay's 'Phantom'" contest by Llumina press.

Drowning in a Sea of Blood - Based on Susan Kay's "Phantom"

The Angel of Music - A simple t-shirt design

Poor Erik - His heart is beyond repair.  I think hugs are in order.    

Cyberphan - If he had internet access, Erik would love his obsessive Phan base would he not?

Don't I know you - The Red Death from the 2004 film and stage show meet.

Ayesha - Erik and his Siamese darling, Ayesha

Headshot - A commission.

Phanfictioneers beware - Never cross RaoulxErik.  Bad things happen.  Very bad things.

Good vs. Evil - There is an amusing flash cartoon comic on the net called "Of Phans and Fedoras". Erik has an inner angel and demon and they always bicker so I thought it would be funny to illustrate that. No wonder that angel hasn't earned her wings yet...what a naughty hand gesture! Poor Erik! Technically the comic is all stick figures, but I fleshed them out a bit. The comic is here-->

Have a nice day Monsieur - I'm not much of a Raoul fan so he finally gets what's coming to him here. Never challenge our deviously trixy Erik. He could outwit you any day!

Precious Phantom - Adapted from a well known 'Precious Moments' pose.

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