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Our Children

Welcome to our family. Below are some photos of my wife and I and our children. We are a married, lesbian couple. We have been together since March of 1994 and have been married since June 11, 2000. My name is Connie and my wife's name is Tania. I am originally from San Diego, CA and she is from Chapmanville, WV. We met in Las Vegas, NV and moved to North Carolina in July of 1994. Two of her children live with us, Jennifer and Stephanie. We have surpassed all the odds and have overcome all of the obstacles that society has laid before us. We are happy, in love and plan on being together beyond forever.

This is me (front), and my wife, Tania

This is my December Beauty, the mother of Jeremy, Jennifer and Stephanie

This is my baby daughter, Resa Mae. She is 17 years old and lives with her father in Missouri. She is the closest thing to heaven I know.

This is Tania's baby daughter, Stephanie. She is 11 and lives here with us. This is Tania's little slice of heaven.

This is Tania's beautiful daughter, Jennifer. She is 15 and also lives here with us.

This is my son, Andrew. He is 20 and also lives in Missouri. I haven't seen him in years and my heart is broken. I hope he comes home for the holidays.

This is Tania and her son, Jeremy at our wedding. He was her Best Man. He will be 18 in February, 2002. He lives with his Grandmother in Las Vegas.

From left to right: My sister, Laurel, me, Tania and Jeremy...this is our wedding day. Laurel gave me away. We were married in a gazebo overlooking the Scuppernong River in Columbia, NC.

This is my oldest son, Brad. He will be 23 in January, 2002 and with him is Jennifer, Tania's daughter.

This is also my oldest son, Brad, and his prom date, Laura...well, it was her prom and he was her date. Isn't he beautiful? hehe.

There you have it, our beautiful family. I will add more as the days pass. This is just something for us to be proud of and show to our friends and family.

You can email us @ Tania and Connie
