This Day I Am Complete

Christmas Day I proposed for the first time. I was never nervous as i knew in my heart that you would say yes. That day you made me complete.

I took you to my special place Christmas night. I got down on one knee yes shaking as i won't say it but very nervous. As i asked you to marry me i will never forget that look in your eye. You started to cry as you said yes then hugged me and said you will never know how much i love you. I will never forget that day, that night as we stood there in the cold holding each other and in one second went from being boyfriend and girlfriend two seperate people, now joined by bliss. You make me so happy there is no words to describe what i feel everytime i hear your voice, see you, kiss you, hold you, and smell your aroma. You say you are lucky to have found me. As i see it i am indebted to the powers that brought us together. For i am the lucky one you are everything that i could hope for and so much more. I love you Sarah very much.