Tokimeki Memorial Review
Tokimeki Memorial Review

Tokimeki Memorial has been often considered ''weird'' by some people due to it being a dating simulation. Tokimemo (Tokimeki Memorial for short) also wasnt the first dating sim game, there were others earlier but they often had alot of sexual content. Konami taking up a challenge to show that you can make an enjoyable game without sex in it, proved that it was possible. Although other companies that made dating games with the sexual content laughed at them for taking the challenge but look who's laughing now. On with the review!

Graphics 7/10: Very good graphics since it is a super nes game. They were even able to make them blink and have their mouth move along with the text! But after playing the game for a while you'll figure out that the scenery just gets old after a while. But anyways its still good considering it is for an old and legendary system.

Music 6/10: Okay, the music IS good for this game but once again it gets repetitive since its the same thing over and over. I think after half-way thru the game you would want to take a break from it for a while justto get the music out of your head. I've done it alot of times, and poping in a CD is always good.

Story 4.5/10: What can I say? You go to school for 3 years, get the girl of your dreams (if your lucky, and sometimes they may be your nightmare), and go to college. Not that much thats mentionable other than that.

Gameplay 8/10: Hmmmm, this is a toughy. You date girls, keep in shape, learn things and all in time to get home for dinner. Now the dating is fun and simple, plus with the amount of choices they give you you wont have to worry about learning the japanese to understand it. You can also build your characters stats which add alot of customizing, you can be the pretty boy of the school, the strong and successful athlete, a brainy nerd (you can win Mio's heart that way), or you can be all of those rolled into one and be admired by all the girls. Plus, to add an edge to the game and not make it super easy they put in a Rumor system which if you dont treat some of the girls right they will spread bad gossip aboutn you which will lower your reputation with ALL of the girls, so get ready for ALOT of dates. Very good gameplay but the down side is is that you need the walkthrough or know japanese to get thru the game or else you'll be up a creek and stuck in the game and never wanting to play it ever again.

Extra's & Secrets 3/10: Nothing that big, except that you only get an OMAKE option that allows you to veiw a girls endings when you've won her heart at the end of the game. Other than that, how about internal peace and enlightenment like the guy said in the FAQ for this game? But to me this game is good enough to do without alot of secrets.

Replayability 10/10: HUGE replayability if you want to see all of the girls endings and have a unique character thats your alter-ego, perfect self or someone to perfectly match you in every way. But once again, if you have the patience thats the only way you'll enjoy this game.

Buy or Download: Kinda hard, if your curious about the game and wanna try it out then download the rom and see if you like it, oh yeah and pick up the strategy guide too so you dont get lost. IF you REALLY like and/or love it, then go to your local import shop and pick up a copy. But there's really no difference. And if you have the extra bucks, I'd import the Playstation version instead since it has alot more features, better graphics, sharper scenery and characters AND the girls have voices too. Overall though the playstation version kicks the snes version's ass anyday. So if you love it and have the patience to not know what the hell their saying since its in japanese, buy the snes or playstation version. If not, try the rom and dont ever play it again.

Well thats it, if you have any questions feel free to email me. See ya and happy gaming!

Review Score: 9/10