Thousand Arms Review
Thousand Arms Review

I saw this game in a magazine and I also saw that it had a dating system. Of course, since Tokimeki Memorial never came out into America (damn importers), I was going to buy this game right off the bat, which I did. Although alot of people said this game sucks or its too stupid or it has acid reflux disease, I beg to differ. I thought this game kicked MAJOR ass! Lets get the review on!

Graphics 7/10: Alright, its not the best graphics in the world. But its pretty darn good mister (or misses/missy, whoever's reading this). It does have its downside though, 2-D does not look good with 3-D, trust me on this. Its not that appealing but I played the game anyways. I also thought the towns and dungeouns were well placed and made, cause sometimes I needed to go back to the beginning of the dungeuon just so I dont get lost. But overall, decent graphics.

Storyline 6.5/10: The story line aint that great either but its okay. But you'll most likely often times forget where you are or what your supposed to do if you dont play the game after about week. Its pretty basic though, boy follows fathers footsteps, father tells him about having to become a blacksmith like their grandfather, evil guy shows up, boy practicly becomes a pimp/player (in a nice way) and so forth. Its not that big yet its not too little, frankly I thought it was alot better then Final Fantasy 9 and up.

Gameplay 9/10: Superb gameplay in my opinion. The battle system will take some time getting used to though, but I still liked it. One of the best aspects in the game was the dating system, your supposed to date several girls and raise your intimacy (no, you cannot raise intimacy in that way and no you cant sleep with them either) so you can raise the strength of your weapon and change its element. But be warned, if you start to neglect a certain girl then her intimacy with you will start to lower! Now about the battle system, instead of fighting with all 3 characters, its more of like a one on one duel. Character that fights first does the main attacking, while the 2 other characters provide support like raising the morale of the team or healing the main attacker. Its pretty simple but it can get annoying after a while, they could have done quite a bit better.

Music 7.5/10: Pretty good music, I personally loved it. Thats why I have the OST (Original Sound Track for those who dont know what that means)! Anyways, its pretty good but not that very high quality either but I loved it. It really fit the mood and atmosphere of the game. However like alot of RPG's, it can get old over time, just thought I'd tell you that. Overall, good music thats soft on the ears (except for the battle music).

Secrets 3/10: There are almost no secrets in this game. Either I didnt find them or they didnt put any in, I'm pretty sure its a mix of both though.

Replayability: What can I say? I dont really know wether its good enough that you would want to replay it. I personally played the game 3 times (the first time I used a gameshark on it and that was stupid of me). But if you think your not going to replay it, there is always the part right below this!

Buy or Rent: Rent first, buy later (if you like it). If you dont like it then at least you know that you didnt blow 30 or 40 bucks down the crapper for this game. But if you like it and wanna keep playing it forever and ever and not have to worry about late charges at the rental store, then be my guest to buy his game. I bought it and I dont have any regrets, I loved almost every second of this game (I say almost because I found the dungeuons a bit annoying sometimes).

Final Score: 8/10