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On the 30th of October, I decided to take a challenge. I was looking through my fairytale books and I saw this pic of Pinocchio and The Blue Fairy. Looks pretty good, eh? I'm gonna try draw it. Background, shadows and everything else. I hope mine turns out like that…OR BETTER (Nah, that's not gonna happen).



Exactly 2 weeks from today (31st Oct) is my yr 12 Information Systems exam. I don't wanna do it. Oh well, I guess it'll be over and done with. But then we have the yr 11 exams! They better not put my maths and physics on the same day again. That was hell!



(2nd Nov) GREAT!!!!!! *cough* My exam timetable is the crappiest thing I've ever seen. THREE EXAMS IN ONE DAY!!!! I'm gonna die! I prayed that I didn't get my Maths and Physics exams on the same day again, but what do they do…they not only put my Maths and Physics on the same day (Thursday), but they stuck my German exam right in the middle. ARGH!!!!!!! And to make it worse, the English exam is longer than usual and my last exam (Chemistry) is on a Monday, which means I don't get the weekend off. You can't get worse than that!


(7th Nov) Man! I think I'm gonna change the name of this section to my "complaining page". Well, life stinks at the moment and I'm just writing here to let you ppl know that I'm not gonna update this page until the holidays (That's December 1st). That also means that there will be no new 'song of the day' for most of November. I'm too busy studying for my exams and I have too many 'social problems' right now to think about my page. Sorry folks :(
