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"Look Alikes"


These are people that I have been told I look like or remind them of. Of course, I don't agree. I DON'T SEE IT!!!!


Lindsay Korman - "Theresa" - from Passions. She is my newest "look alike". I REALLY don't see it but everyone thinks I look like her! People at school call me Theresa now! Argh!!!!


Chyna from the WWF. This lasted for about 2 months. People called my Chyna for a while but it stopped because I guess they finally realised I DON'T look like her.


Angelina Jolie. Now, this one was a complete surprise to me but only a couple of people have said I looked like her so it's no big deal.


Vanessa Amorosi. When I went to Fiji last year, this guy came up to me and asked me if I was from Australia, which I said yes to. Then he asked me if I was from Sydney and I said no. Then he says "Ohhh, I'm sorry. I thought you were Vanessa Amorosi…"


Stephanie McMahon. This didn't last very long either. Once again, only a few people have said I look like her and once again, I don't see it.


Penelope Cruz. It must've been an angle she was on because she looks NOTHING like me. I donno where the hell THAT came from!!


I guess Shani was right when she said I look like everyone…