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the newest news is at the bottom :-)


More links added to the wicca and magick sections. I've tweaked quite a few pages too.


Added a Demonology section to the library, and tweaked a few pages.


I've added Hebrew to the magickal alphabets section, created the beginnings of a symbols section, added magickal texts on the downloads page,  did a huge update on the wicca section of the library, updated the wiccan links section yet again, and tweaked a few more pages.


I've changed the main page slightly, added a news archive, changed the colour of the scroller on the main page(I'm not sure if I'll carry this out through the whole site, I'm not that fussed on it :-), and did a lot of changes that aren't visible:-) like adding metatags to all of the pages and updating the meta description.Cleaned up a few pages too.


Changed the main page again! made it look a bit more interesting. I got rid of the flash buttons, got bored of them - may get a new set though, not sure. I may just try and spruse up the plain old text menu.  I've added a comprehensive list of the most common herbs/plants used in magick. Changed a few other pages too, nothing major though. I'm working on a big update, so soon there'll be some pages about the golden dawn, and probably enochian magick. I also plan on getting the last of the links sections up and running. I have loads of links to add, just haven't got around to it yet. I'll do that soon too.


Big-ish update today. Didn't want to wait for a really big update. I've decided on a fairly good message board from I'm not entirely sure that I can use it because this is a non-gaming site, but what the hey! it works better than any others I've seen! I've created a page on the Golden Dawn, updated the links section again, and created an awards page for my new award!! I have won a Golden Web Award, and I'm chuffed to bits! :-D I've tidied up a few more pages, I'm pretty pleased with how the site is looking now. I think I'll carry on the coloured scrollers throughout the site (to make it a bit more in-keeping :-) All I have to do now is add the coloured scroller code to every page! <yawn> hehe


I bear no news of an update really, other than adding coloured scrollers to all of the pages and changing the main library page. The main library page now shows what will be coming in the next few weeks. I think I've been concentrating on the library more than the links section, which is the namesake , and main, feature of the site! So I've decided to pause my work on it for a while so I have plenty of time to sort out the links section!   I intend on adding loads of new categories, and more categories means more links! :-) I hope to have a lot up this week, but it may take longer. Rest assured that there will be a BIG update soon!


Hello! Long time no see? heh. Well, the update is on the way, I just thought I'd tweak the main page a little to prove I'm still around! heh I should get everything up and running soon. I've made most of the new pages, just need to sort them all out before I upload them :-). Cya Soon.