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New Haven

Many centuries ago, the world was quite different than the history books speculate it was. Sure there were knights and kings, castles and kingdoms; but there were also dragons, elves, faeries, and wizards. Magic was the order of the day. Yet something happened. Evil forces corrupted the magic, and sought to use it for their own ends. The Council of High Mages, who had long kept the flow of magic in check, made a drastic decision. Using their combined might and knowledge, they turned most all magical entities into human form, and erased all knowledge of their previous selves from their memory. As for the magic itself, the Council cast it into the bowels of the earth, where it was to remain forever. Most all forgot about magic and its history. A few remembered, and could tap into this well of power, but kept it to themselves, away from the public eye.

This new unified humanity went on, and history continued from that point as it has been recorded. None remembered about the ways of magic. A few would have dreams, or visions, and write great tales of the sort, but most thought of it only as fiction they had conjured up. Humanity turned to a new magic, called science, for their needs. They built technological marvels, and vast cities. Man was about to find out, however, that it's science was not the omni-powerful force they thought it was.

The year 2012. The largest earthquake in recorded history strikes the earth, along the United States' western coast. The state of California breaks off, but instead of sinking, drifts out into the Pacific. The cities of the state are crushed. Thousands perish. Though tragic, it was still a minor event compared to what else happened. The giant fault line pierced so deep into the earth's crust, it released the pent up magic reserve, like striking an oil well with a drill. Waves of mystic energy spread across the globe. The descendents of the magical creatures that had been changed to humans reverted back to the form that was in their blood. Lost memories instantaneously returned. Humanity was still the most populous species, but about 1/3 of the population changed. Needless to say, this caused great chaos and confusion. The world was in a terrible state for the next number of years. There was no order.

The year is now 2112. A new generation has been born. One that has become accustomed to numerous species, races, and creatures living together. They rebuilt their world. Now, magic and science live in harmony with one another. A feeling of cooperation and unity encompasses the globe. New cities and kingdoms spring up. Some of these are segregated, others are a melting pot, but in either event most are friendly with one another. A few groups seek power for themselves, as always, but that is not the feeling of the majority. A new Council of High Mages has been instated to watch over and regulate magic, and keep it from being used for the wrong purposes. The world is in a new golden age.

One of the first acts of this new unity was rebuilding the newly formed island of California. This island became a symbol of the hope for this new era. It was rechristened New Haven, as it was the first place all could go and feel truly welcomed. It is now full of schools where any who want to attend can learn of science, magic, or history. It has many great cities now, the largest being built on the spot where Los Angeles used to stand. This is where our story starts. The economy of this new world is far better than it ever has been. Poverty is unheard of in many lands. A new type of housing has emerged; combinations of hotels and apartments. The idea had been played with before, but it is now commonplace.
