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I finally got this shyt up and running! I'm so excited. I'm dancing in my computer chair right now!! Anywayz.. This week has been blah for me. One of my closest friends left yesterday. That shyt was sooo surreal! I knew it was coming, but I had put it off in my mind. I didn't even cry until she opened the door and said by. Thats when it hit me: she wasn't coming back. Whew... College is a bitch. You cry coming into this hell whole, cry leaving, and complain the whole time in between....

Hi all! Welcome to my little haven. It's new. Summer is finally here and I have a break. I can finally relax and do some of the things that I like- being on the computer is one of them. Anywayz... this little project is stil in the works, as you can see. I did the layout myself. Purty huh? Yeah yeah, I know.........

If you know anything about me then you know that I love me some music!! computers and books come in at a close second and third. i'll have more on that later

coming.. check back for updates!

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