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Creating your own Recipes

After preparing recipes from books and such you may get a little tired of them. It's always good to know how to make your own so I decided to add this hopefully handy guide to aid you in doing so.

First let me stress one point. Whenever making your own recipes be sure and write down what goes into them and in what proportion. You never know when you might whip up an incense for example the smells wonderful as well as works wonderful. But alas you didn't write down the recipe and by the time you found out just how wonderful it really was you've forgotten exactly how to duplicate it. So always just take to few extra seconds to jot down the process of your new (and hopefully wonderful) recipes.

STEP ONE; THE GOAL-First start off with your goal in mind. Sometimes this isn't hard as your mixing something up you already have a need for or it may be your making it out of boredom or wanting to explore. So think about it. Just what is the goal Money, power, exorcism don't be afraid to just mix up something new for the fun of it and let it sit with others you've already made and have waiting.

STEP TWO; THE FORM-Once you have determined the goal its time to determine the form. This is done in three simple ways.

Which form is better suited to your goal-IF your goal is protection at work or in travel (like on an airplane) incense obviously isn't the best choice for most people. An amulet of anointing oil would be better suited for the job.

Which forms tend to produce the best results for you-After you've been practicing herb magick for a while you tend to get a sense of what forms tend to work better for you. Try and pick one of these. If oils tend to work great for you then use them. The same for incense, ointments, bath salts and so on. Like said before just pick one that is still suited to your goal.

Which forms do you like the most-If you hate sachets then don't use one. If you tend to like incense or oils more then use those. Just keep in mind the two rules mentions before. Pick something suited to your goal, and pick a form that tends to give you good results.

STEP THREE; THE MATERIALS-Now once you have decided on your goal and your form it's time to decide on your herbs/oils. Just take a look at the Magickal Goals page and find your goal. Look at the hebs/oils there and pick the ones you want. When doing this not only pick ones suited to your goal but also that appeal to you. If you hate frankincense and love dragon's blood and they are both suited to your goal the go with the dragon's blood.

STEP FOUR; COMPOUNDING-Now that you have chosen your goal, form, and herbs/oils its time to compound them into the form. Just look for the section for the particular form you have chosen and follow the instructions from there.

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