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Hi new member! Welcome to Mithril Valour =) A few things to know....... Our website is
On the site there are links to our forum and other useful or entertaining EQ sites. Our guild has no real formal rules like other guilds, above all we are here to have fun, after all this is entertainment! We do try to help others (if they are nice and not annoying or hassling us for stuff.) We have some classes in our guild who have certain abilities such as teleportation, craft skills, etc.. most are MORE than happy to help you with these things, but as you know people are busy too and are on raids or just busy. Keep that in mind when looking for these services. If no one answers you in guildchat, they either don't know, can't or have battle-spam(miss things due to lots of fast fighting), most people should try to answer when/if they can. If they cannot help you at that moment, then they surely will help you when they are free =) It never hurts to ask for services, but please do not get upset if they are busy at that time. Looting should be done on a rotation, unless the group decides otherwise, all no-drop loots should be confirmed with the group, and anything worth value say 40pp and up is to be /random. Also guildchat is for everyone, so have fun and enjoy, but if a you are talking about something that offends someone and they ask you nicely to stop or take it to tells please do, we all have to respect and share the guild. Another note is that people in our guild really want to help you get items and xp, but sometimes they need to get some for themselves too, so please don’t feel upset if a higher level cannot get you what you need =( I have personally given out over ALOT in cash and items over time and I know of many other members who have done the same, so don’t think it doesn’t happen, you never know when the EQ Santa will visit =). Also try to keep a good name with our fellow people of Norrath, but if someone is being a total jerk, well have at them!! muhahahaha! If you are not sure if you are in the wrong...tell exactly what happened in guildsay and I'm sure the other members will let you know, and probably come and stomp the person...LOL (thanks again everyone for stomping that ranger in Unrest....she needed it! MUHAHAHA!) Okay enough of the bad stuff, now for the good stuff....Drink, brawl, and have fun most of all!!! =)

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