Mr.Jinx's Realm of...Stuff

About Mr.Jinx

  • 9/19/03--Sorry for the wait,laziness and lack of internet to blame.2 songs and "About Me" page updated...that's about it.Later
    7/19/03--3 more songs uploaded,some other stuff updated too.I'm gonna make use to this site someway...Anyway,I'm gone.
    7/4/03--It's been a long while,that it has.Updated the songs,and "About Me" Section.I doubt anyone comes here but..enjoy or whatever.I'll use this for other purposes as well.Well,I'm gonna go play lacrosse,before we light fireworks.Happy 4th of July everyone.
    1/12/03--New song & new Story up.I'll be getting a song list from Kuroi Youkai soon.I'll probably post some of them.His songs are pretty damn awesome.I'll have some posted,hopefully soon.I have midterms this week,so updates might be slow.Well,c-ya'll when i next update.
    1/6/03--Yeah,it's me Mr.Jinx.I'm trying to get some of my stuff up.So stay tuned.