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The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King

The Fellowship of the Ring

Warning: These sketches are extremely one sided. Handle with caution.

The Fellowship:


***The Fellowship Plays Games

Status: Complete
Chapters: Five
Genre: Humour
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Link to Mirkwood Forest

Poll of the Month: Favourite Tolkien Book
Which of these is your favourite book?

The Hobbit
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
Another more obscure text

Current Results

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Classic. Epic. Beautiful. Boring. An utter drag to try and leaf through all three volumes or the most thrilling mythological story ever written (including all that strange Anglo-Saxon Beowulf thing)? I suppose part of the intrigue of Lord of the Rings is just that…the intrigue that people have with it. Whether you love it or hate it (and I know both kinds of people) you must have a strong opinion of it. With the movie having been released but a few short months ago the hype surrounding this JRR Tolkien classic is at something between “gotta know more” and utter chaotic screaming frenzy (Legolas lovers, please control yourself…not that I don’t fully support your love of the blond elf prince. *grin*)

Ring Around Legolas
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So, don’t wait any longer! Check out the books. Check out the film. Check out Legolas…or…uh…any of the characters!

This website is no longer brought to you by a rational, objective creature. An obsessive opinionated person has ripped to the front of my mind. Warning you now, all opinions on this site are solely mine. Any hurtful remarks, insults, and genuine strangeness / humour at other characters expense, is purely my own fathom and do not take it personally. (Or do. Whatever.)

Just have fun and read the books! You Know you Wanna

This site is new and constantly being updated! Expect more character reviews, book reviews, the addition of fanfictions, and movie reviews. Slowly but surely updates will arrive! For now, enjoy what junk I've already put up!

OPINIONS DEMANDED: Loath of Love a book or a character? Any notes of devotion, love letters to Aragorn, hate mail to Sam, personal book / movie reviews, etc., are currently and forever being sought after. No word limit but keep the language in check. I’ll post it under any of the appropriate links. Email Opinions to Mirkwood Darling

WRITERS WANTED: Got a fanfiction you’re dying to share? Email it to me and I’ll post it up. No “ship” is too strange, no humour to warped, but certain episodes can be too explicit. Email fanfictions to Mirkwood Darling

Random thought for the Month: Is it just me, or did any one else think it uniquely dark that Tolkien named his book after Sauron (who is of course, the Lord of the ring.)?

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters (not even Legolas…damn) but I do own the books and am awaiting the DVD release of the film. I won’t touch the cartoon films though again…never. They leave a bad taste in my mouth. Nothing of middle earth is mine. Tolkien created it. Yes, all of it.

Opinions are mine though. At least I own one thing on this site. Some of the graphics are my creation as well.

Have tried to give credit where credit is due. This is all non-profit so I figure it’s all good.

Site Owned and Created by: Mirkwood Darling

Created: May 5th 2002
Updated: June 11th, 2002