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If you are interested in having your site linked from Winter Rose, you can submit it here! All
sites must be reviewed and approved first and if accepted, they will be added to the Free-Links' for
all section, unless their content is outstanding and they really please me. If that should happen,
they will be added with the main links.
Here are some rules to follow when submitting links:

I am not accepting links from sites which are 100% devoted to hentai. If your site contains hentai, please make sure there's a minimal quantity of it and your site has non-hentai artistic merit. When I define "hentai", I refer to stories and pictures that depict sex acts. If a character is naked and not doing anything suggestive, that does not mean hentai. That would be considered artistic nudity.

A site like Smoochies contains an adult section, yet I am more than happy to link to Smoochies Lite, because the site's focus is on the love of bishounen in literary and artistic forms. The site is a huge asset to the world of anime, because Mel provides high quality doujinshi scans, fan art and fan stories. The site's emphasis is not *pure sex*. A site, however, like the Digi-Artists' Domain, would never be accepted, because there is hentai everywhere, and I do not see anything redeeming about the artwork there.

If you have lots of broken links, forget it. If your links are broken, I won't be able to get an accurate idea of the content of your site, and a site which isn't functioning properly would be doing a disservice to the site's visitors.

No bandwidth leeching, please! Please make sure you have asked permission to use everything on your site and that you have uploaded all contents to your own website. Sites that are found to be leeching bandwidth won't be accepted.

No stolen content. If I find uncredited work on your site, I'm not linking it. Instead, I will inform the individual(s) whose work you have stolen, and you can deal with them.

Your site must have a clean layout and good grammar. If your site is difficult to get around, I won't link it. Sites which look like they were put together by a kindergartner won't be accepted, because they r a pn in dneck4mE to read.

Has comprendido? Then submit your link!