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Midnight Star




MS is in high orbit over Ayenee and the Crystal Promise Realm. So, far, MS is here to keep the peace and and make sure Safe Haven laws are inforced and that nothing goes wrong while Crystal Promise Empire and Its realm is under changes and upgrades. So far, as MS sees, that the Ayenee Realm is almost done, the only thing left of its realm is the outskirts and the outcast, those that refuse to joint he CP realm eaither as members or as towns people. As while in High orbit, it sees that Ayenee is becomeing nothing but a mear deseret realm and soon, nothing will be left of it but just a shadow of its past. MS task right now are as follwed.

1 To enforce CP's Law's and order's.

2 Also to keep peace and keep an eye over the Ayenee realm and Crystal Promise Realm.

Basic Rules of Midnight Star

The rules to MS are Simple. without clearence by Man_in_Cloak or by Magus_The_Dark_Prince, nothing is allowed unless confirmed. Two, wepons, magis, etc, all fighting is disabled unless Man_in_cloak or Magus_The_Dark_Prince allows fighting. If you can't not follow these Simple Rules, you will be iggyed by all memebers of Midnight Star and Staff.

New Tavern.

The Midnight Star Tavern is now open, as its part of the MS Realm here. A site is being worked on right now, soon, the tavern will be fully open for business. If you wish to run the tavern for the MS and CP realm, ask Man_in_Cloak about it.
