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Saddams weapons and Americas involvement plus Frances less likley involvement

Palestine and Israel story. A bit about how it Began

Ariel Sharons control on America

Saddams weapons and Americas involvement plus Frances less likley involvement

Bush often talks of Saddam having used poison gas against Iranian soldiers as well as Iraqi Kurds. Yet what he fails to mention is that Iraqs weapons of mass destruction were actually launched with American assistance. As was Bin Ladens network. America had let Saddam attack the Islamic Republic of Iran, which once again they had helped put into place. The United States had then offered Iraq support throughout the war. The United States was nor on the side of the Iraqi people nor Iranian people. It had hoped to hurt the Islamic republic of Iran as well as the Iraqis at the same time. I believe this to be, as they knew full well that these countries being oil rich have the potential to be rich and powerful. Yet America would not let this happen. Washington helped the Iranians when Iraq was gaining the upper hand and vice versa. This was when the Americans began to aid Saddam create chemical and biological weapons. France too with the uprising of Saddam saw a new key ally. They had realised Saddam had wanted to bring the ancient former mesopatamia to the modern day Iraq. Therefore this was an ideal opportunity for French business men. They then began their friendship with te dictator of Iraq. And it was also France who supplied him with weapons throughout the Iran Iraq war. France was worried Iran may win and therefore 'Religious fanatics' would rule their new found allies land which had promised them so much wealth. By supporting Iraq France had also wanted to be seen as the Western country who was a friend of the Arabs.

Palestine and Israel story. A bit about how it Begun

In 1888 Arab Palestinians were 95% of the total population of the territory.

The British with the aid of the Arabs captured Palestine which belonged to the Ottoman Turks in 1917 and 1918. The British had promised the Arabs independence. However this was only one of three agreements made by the British. The Sykes-Picot agreement which Britain made with France and Russia in 1916 in secret, had promised to divide and rule the region between themselves. In the third agreement, the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Britain had promised the Jews a ‘national home’ in Palestine.

Anti-Zionist attacks occurred in Jerusalem as the Palestinians rejected Britains promise of the Zionist State. After the rise of the Nazi party in Germany immigration rose rapidly. In 1935, 62,000 Jews entered Palestine. In 1936 an Arab revolt broke out which continued up to 1939.

After the Holocaust many survivors got there illegally. In 1947 Britain handed the problem over to the United Nations. The Jews and Palestinians prepared for a battle, although the Palestinians outnumbered the Jews. It was the Jews who were better prepaed. As the Palestinians lacked training and experience and most their leaders were in exile. Also they hadnt recovered from the Arab revolt yet. Although in 1947 the UN had proposed partition, the plan had been rejected. Terrorism was then used by both sides and the Palestinians were defeated. I believe it had been a mistake for the Palestinians not to accept the partition however one can understand. The state of Israel was established 14th of May in 1948.

The war produced 780,000 Palestinian refugees. Half had probably had to leave to make space for the Jews. In 1993 during the Clinton era after decades of conflict. A historic peace accord was signed between Yasser Arafat and the Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. The accord was signed in the United States. The plan had called for limited Palestinian self-rule in Israeli-occupied territories, beginning with Gaza Strip and the West Bank Town Jericho. However a Jewish law student, Yigil Amir, against the peace process assasinated this Isreali leader. Clinton had called the leader 'a marytr to peace'.

Ariel Sharons control on America

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that...I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Israeli people, control America, and the Americans know it."

Ariel Sharon Oct 3, 2001, Kol Yisrael radio
