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Other Stuff

~Jounouchi (Joey)
~Honda (Tristan)
~Anzu (Tea)
~Seto Kaiba
~Ryou Bakura
~Yami Bakura
~Mokuba Kaiba
~Malik (Marik)
~Shizuka (Serenity)
~Isis (Ishizu)
~Group Letters
~Miake (the webmistress>
Click Here
June 25, about 2 hours later
I finished answering ALL the Yu-Gi-Oh letters. I'm so happy *does a little dance*. Ok, that was disturbing (my dancing I mean). Thanks everybody for all your letters even though sometimes it takes me forever to answer them. ^_^
June 25, 2003
Well, I didn't get all the letters up because of driver's ed. I had 2 huge chapters to study so I got behind on answering letters. I will get to every letter, don't worry. It make take a little while. I haven't even begun working on my Gundam letters either. I'll try to get these done first though because this site tends to get more feedback. Anyway I'm really going to try to get everything up. I can't guarentee it though. Gomen nassai!
June 23, 2003
I added more letters today and I'll be putting up more later. I have a lot to do for both this site and my Gundam site. Sorry it's been taking so long. Everything should be up by the end of today, no later than tomorrow. Ja ne.
June 8, 2003
Wow...I did now know how long it had been since I updated. I'm so sorry it took so long. It's the end of the school year and teachers seem to think that means "lets kill all the students with projects". Anyway now that school is almost over *a week and a half left* I'll be able to update a lot more. I added a bunch of new letters today. Keep on sending!
May 9, 2003
Once again I got lazy and took too long to answer letters. Sorry about that. I stayed home sick today so I answered everything, I'll also be updating my Gundam site as well. Keep sending. Ja ne.
April 26, 2003
I put up some new letters today. Sorry for the wait. I'll really try to update in a more timely manner. Keep sending letters! Ja ne.
April 7, 2003
I put up 2 new letters today. Thanks to all the snow we got today my school was let out an hour early so I have extra time to answer letters. Keep on sending!
April 6, 2003
I FINALLY got 2 letters for this site and I have those up. I think I need to advertise for about this site. SEND AWAY!
March 3, 2003
This is the grand opening of Dear Yu-Gi-Oh, I have no letters yet so send away!