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Mysterio delas Felipinas

Home Kulam Bati Tawas Barang Kublis Magica


There are many things incorporated within the magickal system of Barang. One of it is the Tastos. These are small figures made from clay or wax and use to protect the possessions of the mambabarang and act as the slaves of a mambabarang.

There are several ways on how you can create this Tastos. One way is to create small wax or clay figures. You can use ordinary wax or wax from a chapel, which is more effective because of it's virtue. The clay could also be loam clay from a river or just plain modeling clay which you can buy from any good school supplies store. But I must say that it would be better to use the natural and magickal ingredients because of their occult virtue.

Next one will fashion the figure. The figure should be small enough to rest upon your palm. This will make the Tastos easier to hold and hide. There are those people who make their Tastos big, to serve as warnings to those who would dare touch the Mambabarang's properties.

Next the tastos would be consecrated. The Magician would light a candle (the color does not really matter, it depends upon the intent of the worker and the energies he would like to acquire) and invokes Halmista, which is the lord of all magick. In case you don't like to invoke Halmista and/ or you just don't know him, you can substitute any name of god you want. Just make sure that he is quite the same with Halmista. By the way, Halmista comes from the Kublian Tradition. Other filipino deities of magick are Deltise, God of mambabarangs and Kilawnea, Goddess of mangkukulams. Both are children of Halmista.

For those who do not know any suitable invocation of Halmista, check the Magicka Pages.

Back to the rite. Then the Magician shall breathe life unto the figure. This gives him power over the figure because he created him. The giving of the name and mission of the figure usually follows. Often, names that are exotic to hear are given to the Figure and usually the missions given are to guard the magician from protection, to secure belongings and to stand as guards.

Finally the Tastos are created. They will then be placed around the land or house of the mambabarangs. They will be checked regularly and be given food (they are also alive beings) finally they will have to be killed.

The tastos should be killed because often, tastos gain energy by being exposed to nature regularly. This gives them the opportunity to accumulate energy within the environment. If this happens regularly, the tastos will have a big chance to be a individual being.

Some ( especially those who have read Bardon's "Initiation into Hermetics") will come to the conclusion that tastos are elementaries that are treated as human beings. You are correct. The only thing that differs is that we, as mambabarangs, feed them because their alive. Most elementairies dont need food. Well Tastos do.

I would like also to state that Tastos creation involves the invocation and presiding of a greater being.

I hope you will be able to utilize this information in good works and for the benefit of all.
