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Final Fantasy Untold...

The Discovery

Last Updated: April 1, 2003

No, this isn’t happening. It can’t be. He thought as the tears fell down his rough face. He felt limp, he couldn’t control himself. He fell to his knees, and then his hands hit the soft earth. His heart beated faster and faster. The tears fell down his face; he felt each one hit the ground. It happened so fast, no it didn’t happen. He didn’t believe himself. One minute she was there, standing up to the dark man. Now she lay in the dusty corner of the room, lifeless. The blood fell to the ground. She moved a bit for a second, she was nearly dead. She managed to push herself up, trembling. “Keton…my son, it’s nice to see you one last time.” She smiled weakly. “No mom!” He couldn’t do anything to help her. “Please, go now! You have to live on…” “No! Don’t talk like that, we can get you help…” It was too late, she fell to the ground for the last time. He backed up, he couldn’t look at her, but he couldn’t pull himself to look away. He closed his eyes, more tears. A gasp passed through his lips. He looked at the carcass stunned. She was sleeping, she’s not…she’s…he couldn’t say it. He wouldn’t believe it. His glance broke to the man, the dark man in the doorway. Pure hatred spread through his small body. He weakly took a step toward the hooded man. “You, you, killed her… YOU KILLED HER!” He picked up his pace and charged at him. He held his arm to his side, and drew out a sword. Keton charged anyway, nothing could stop him. His vision went red in an instant, and cried out in shear agony. He fell to the ground, at the feet of the man, the killer. His head hit the earth and he heard a familiar sound. “Over here! Keton! Don’t worry, we’ll get you out of here”

“NO!” I jumped at the sound of my own voice. I looked up, and realized I was back to reality. “It was just a dream…a nightmare…” I calmed myself with a splash of river water. The coldness woke me instantly. I looked at my paw for a second; the water ran down it slowly. “What was that dream…I don’t get it” I shook my head and got onto my feet. I looked up at the tall trees and smiled. The sun made him cover his eyes, and he then knew he was out of his dream. I guess I fell asleep outside again, he thought. He softly laughed at himself as he walked over to his cave. “Why do I have these dreams…I don’t get it. Is it trying to tell me something?” He thought out loud. “How could it? Human, ha, how could I be human?” I knelt down to the ground, head down. “It was just so real…”

I looked out of the cave, it was already dark. I had slept through the day. Breaking from my gaze, I took a step to the entrance. A few rocks tumbled down over the pathway and I froze. Someone was here, but why? I pressed myself against a large dark crack in the wall out of sight. I looked hard and I could see outlines of three life forms at the entrance, looking in. “It looks deserted, but lets check it out.” The tallest one walked slowly into the cave. The sword on his back shined with brilliance. The next two came in, the girl clinging onto the younger man. “Get off me Rei, we have to be ready for anything.” He pushed her off his shoulder and she sighed deeply. I don’t like this place, I am getting bad vibes from it” My eyes went wide. I knew that voice, but how? I have never seen any humans but in my dreams. I was confused, why couldn’t I remember anything? Why?

“I think I see the seyo!” The leader motioned over to my table. Are they talking about my stone? What would they want with that? They were only about five feet away from me, I could take them. They started forward. I couldn’t let them touch it, the only thing connecting me to my past. They walked past me; they didn’t even seem to care. The man picked up the stone, examining it carefully. My anger rose, no one was going to take it.

They started back to the entrance, putting the stone into the front pocket of the leader. They were near me, now was my chance! With pure anger filling me, I lashed out at the closest figure. Blood dripped from the sudden wound. The girl screamed in pain, and the group turned to me. I glared at them and took out my large claws. I arched my back, and my tail lashed side to side. I low growl escaped my mouth as the people took out their weapons. A sword, a swallow, and a whip. The light bounced off the platinum finish. The girl was the first to lash at me. She took a slight step forward and with a crack of her wrist; the brilliant whip hit the top of my head. I fell back in amazement. She was strong, well trained I shall not make the same mistake again. I knelt down, then blasted out at the group, roaring in anger. I got one of them, and dug into his chest. The warm blood felt good on my fur. “NO! Aaron!” The man gripped his sword and took a slash at me. I felt every bit of the pain, it was slow. I took one last roar and fell to the ground hard.

“How is he? Is he going to be alright?” he heard voices in the next room talking. “He will be alright, but his mom. She isn’t doing so well.” What was wrong with my mom? I was too weak to speak; the pain was too much. I got my strength up to be able to move his hand onto his face. A bandage was covering up his gash. It was real, I remember now. The door opened suddenly, and a girl came in quietly. “Keton, are you alright?” Keton…that can’t be HIS name…”Yeah, I’m fine.” He smiled weakly at the pale faced girl. “That’s good. Please get better soon, I was so worried about you” What, she was worried about me? Why? “Thank you…err” A sharp pain went through his body suddenly. “Doctor! DOCTOR!” she ran off, leaving him screaming in pure pain.

I woke up confused. I pawed at the bright sunlight that was waking me up. Hmm? This place doesn’t smell familiar… I lifted my head off my paw and looked around suddenly. White, that’s all I saw. I was just in a white room on a table. It was cold, I shivered slightly. I got onto my feet and put a paw on the wall. It was solid; no way I could break that. It came back to me suddenly, the fight. How did I get here? And…what about my wound? I reached back and felt the area where the pain was. Nothing, there was nothing there. I don’t get it; I don’t get anything that’s happened recently.

I felt a slight breeze as a door slid open behind me. I looked over my shoulder at it. I had to stay calm; I would go crazy if I didn’t. It was them, the three that were in my cave. I turned to face them, glaring at them with the coldest look I could. “You’re pretty heavy for an over grown cat.” The leader said. I snarled, showing my fangs. “Calm down, we’re aren’t here to hurt you. We just want to ask you some questions” “Go away, I’m not answering anything to you pathetic humans.” I extracted my claws. “Please calm down.” The girl walked between us. It’s her, the girl. I know her from somewhere…why can’t I remember? I grabbed my head and fell down to my knees. “Whoa, hey. Get up, we aren’t done talking to you.” The man touched my shoulder and I pushed him away. The girl knelt down by me and looked up into my eyes. I froze, Iv never felt like this before, what is this feeling? More questions, but no answers. I need to know. “Mr. Kitty, can you atleast tell us your name? Please?” I broke out of my trance and looked at her confused. She wanted my name…should I tell her? No, I can’t. “My name…my name is Lynx” Lynx? Is that the best you can come up with…?

“Lynx? Nice name.” The boy came up to me from the back of the room. I had forgotten about him, he was the one with the swallow, a very interesting human. “What are you exactly?” The man said coldly at me. “What am I?” I repeated to myself. “I don’t really know” The girl looked surprised. “You don’t know what you are? That’s so sad…” There was that feeling again, it was a warm feeling. Iv felt it before…"My names Rei. Nice to meet you!” she held out her hand and smiled. I just looked at her blankly. “Rei, don’t provoke him.” “Oh shut up Aaron. Your too scared to even come over here!” Aaron jumped at her voice and immediately tried to look tough. I couldn’t help but let out a slight smile; they were a weird bunch of people. “Fine, fine. Damon is my name.” The man spoke up. “ I guess I’m ready to answer. What do you want to know?” I pushed myself off the ground and stood up like Damon. “We really just wanted to know why you had a piece of seyo in your cave?” I was confused, what were they talking about? Seya…it sounded familiar to me somehow. “I am sorry, what do u mean by ‘seyo’?” “Seyo is a piece of magicite that has been compressed for thousands of years and becomes powerful over time.” Aaron said as he leaned against the metal wall. “In other words, it’s like a magic stone.” Magic, that stone was magic? No way. “I don’t know, sorry, but I don’t really remember much about my past.” That got everyone’s attention. “Please, I would like to ask you something too.” Damon looked surprised but allowed it. “Where am I?” “That’s easy, you’re in Gein.” I don’t get any of what’s happening, more questions. Why is this happening to me? “You don’t look so good. Maybe you should rest. We’ll talk about the rest tomorrow.” Damon turned around and walked to the door. Rei looked at me over her shoulder and smiled. There it was again…Aaron finally got up off the wall and ran after them. I was alone once more, in a white room. I put my head down and dozed off once more.

“LYNX!” I woke up and jumped up breathing hard. “Sheesh, you slept hard.” Rei smiled at me and walked toward the door, motioning me over. I just stood there stunned, trying to lower my heartbeat. “Lynx, you coming or would you rather stay in here all day?” She called out from the hallway. I jumped up and ran after her.

“Where are we going?” I said finally after a moment of silence. “I guess we have it meet up with Damon and Aaron outside. He has something to ask of you.” I was puzzled, what would he want from me? I just tried to keep up while looking around the hallways. The walls had huge designs on them and weapons of all sorts. I have never seen so many weapons; I was surprised on knowing everything I already did. Man I think way too much.

The light from the hot sun blinded me for a second then I looked around the small town. I felt strange, looking around I found out I was the only one who looked like me. I felt out of place. I shook it off and ran after Rei. I saw Damon in a few seconds. He was waiting for Aaron when he was in the Weapons store looking at the new swallows, even though he knew he couldn’t afford them. “Lynx, I see you’re awake.” Damon was leaned against a building wearing a black robe and with his signature saber on his back. His long hair wrestled in the cool morning breeze. “I was thinking, of our fight in the cave. You really are a pretty strong fighter and.” I knew where he was going with this. “Are you asking me to join you?” I interrupted him in mid-sentence. “Well um yea, I guess so.” I thought for a second. I had never really been out into the world before, since I can remember at least. I sighed and nodded.“Sure, it’s not like I have a life anyway.”

Whats up with these people? Why would they need Lynx's help? Find out next week.
Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4 Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11

IM me at AhrounCrinosXIII! My site is, check it out, Ja!