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You all are about to be hit with a lot of information. Also, playing with timelines here... sort of. Characters
introduced or mentioned in OotP are introduced here, but nothing that's happened in OotP has happened here.
Make sense? Also, a character from season 7 Buffy is being brought in.

*~* Roll Call *~*

The staffroom had been infused with extra chairs and couches to accommodate all the people there.

Spike and Amy were the last ones to arrive. Dumbledore had sent Dobby to tell Spike about the meeting
earlier, and was highly amused when the house elf had let slip that Miss Amy was in Master William's room,
and the two of them had been sharing a bed. There was instant murmuring when Amy walked in wearing her
blanket still... with clothes underneath, naturally.

The whispering was not because Amy was wearing her blanket though, but because the clothing she was
wearing under it was obviously some of Spike's. The faded blue jeans were cinched tightly with a belt to hold
them up. Yes, the black t shirt was very faded and had a hole near the collar, but it looked comfortable. And her
feet weren't bare. A pair of thick gray wool socks covered them, and someone had very carefully brushed and
braided her long brown hair.

Angel was glaring, and it seemed both Cordelia and Gunn had restraining hands on him.

McGonagall leaned over to Dumbledore. "Perhaps I should take Amy shopping for clothes of her own."

He nodded.

Everyone was clumped in groups. Spike shocked them all by putting Amy near Willow then going to speak with

Several people were finally noticing other people.

"What in the bloody hell is HE doing here?" Giles said

"I'll say." But Anya was glaring in another direction.

"Shit." 'Moody' Sirius muttered.

Angel pointed. "Who let him and his evil hand in here?"

Lorne was just staring with his mouth open.

"Is anybody else concerned that there's a soulless vampire over there?" Faith snapped.

Hermione waved. "Hi, Oz."

Wesley was turning green. "Good Lord."

"Did you really have to bring soldier-boy, luv?" Spike asked Buffy.

Then it descended into nothing more than jumble. Most everyone was talking at once.


Everyone turned and looked at Dumbledore.

"We are all here under the same cause..."

Tara snorted and laughed evilly. She had not been noticed so much until then. The witch was in a straight jacket
and strapped to a bed that was slanted to and upright position. Almost as if she were on a dolly with a mattress
attached. It eerily reminded Dawn of Silence of the Lambs, but Tara didn't have that face mask thing on.

"The same cause? The same cause? Right, grandpa." Tara screeched and tossed her head back and forth.
"Shut up! Bitch! Ya don't get ta talk here!"

"Perhaps... introductions... Harry, perhaps you could start us off?"

Everyone looked at him. Harry stood.

"Um, I'm Harry Potter." His voice squeaked.

Draco rolled his eyes. "You're so smooth, Potter. Draco Malfoy."

"Vir-Vriginia Weasley. Ginny." She glared at her family. "I'm Draco's girlfriend."

"Dawn Summers, Buffy's sister."

"Lily Joyce Rosenberg. I used to be a vampire in an alternate dimension, but now I'm a real girl. Specifically, I
was Professor Rosenberg as a vampire."


Lily elbowed him.

"Connor Angel. I'm the bastard son of two vampires. I am also called the miracle child and the destroyer."

Lily elbowed him again.


Dawn rolled her eyes. "His vampire parents are Angel also known as Angelus the scourge of Europe and

"Ronald Weasley. Ron."

"Hermione Granger."

"Neville Longbottom."

"I'm Poppy Pomfrey. I'm the school nurse." The woman said from her bent position of examining Ginny.

Willow stepped up. "I'm Professor Willow Rosenberg. I'm the aid to Professor Giles in Defense Against the
Dark Arts. This is Amy." Willow said motioning to Amy. "Amy Madison. She's had some trauma, so she's not
much with the speaking just now."

Amy waved.

"Severus Snape. Potions."



She glared. "Anya Emerson. I'm the assistant to Professor Lupin for History and Lore of Magical Creatures."

"And I'm Professor Remus Lupin."

"And he's a werewolf." Someone muttered.

"Yeah, so what about it?" Anya snapped.

"There's something wrong with being a werewolf?" A calm voice across the room asked.

"Hi, Oz." Hermione called again causing Ron to glare at her.

"Hey, Hermione. What's up?"

"Professor Rupert Giles. Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Woo hoo! G-man!"

"Xander, while I appreciate the enthusiasm-"

"Minerva McGonagall. Deputy Headmistress, Transfiguration professor, and head of Gryffindor house."

"Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. History of Magic professor. Former watcher."

Faith snorted. "Current watcher. He's MY watcher. I'm Faith. I'm a vampire slayer."

"Oliver Wood. I'm the assistant flying instructor... and Faith's boyfriend."

Several people looked at him sharply, including Faith.

"Er... Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts, and er, I teach Care of Magical Creatures. Call
me Hagrid."

"I'm his assistant." Spike hollered. "Not for the teaching, but the keeping bit. Name's Spike."

"My William is also William the Bloody." A singsong voice said.

Spike at her. "Not yours anymore, Dru. Spike tastes like ashes, remember? Someone prefers other sorts of

"He's also William Malfoy." Draco piped in. "Isn't that right, Uncle Spike?"

"Uncle Spike?" Narcissa asked.

"Your Draco's mum, right?"

Narcissa nodded. Spike crossed the room smoothly, took her hand, and licked the back of it.

"Eww." Xander said. "Spike cooties."

Buffy elbowed him.


"You are an adult."

"So says you."

"Spike, please don't lick my mother." Draco said dryly.

"Quite right, dear... William was it?" Narcissa purred. "You don't know where I've been."

Draco made a horrified face.

Professor Flitwick giggled. "Professor Filius Flitwick. Head of Ravenclaw house. I teach Charms."

"Rolonda Hooch. Flying instructor."

"Professor Pomona Sprout. I teach Herbology, and I'm the head of Hufflepuff house."

"Irma Pince. I'm the librarian."

"Victoria Vector. Arithmancy."

"Siobhan Sinistra. Professor of Astronomy ."

"Argus Filch. Caretaker." He snapped.

"Sybil Trelawny. Divination professor and seer."

Four people snorted audibly... though many were thinking something along the lines of a snort. One of the vocal
was Drusilla, another was Cordelia, yet another was Tara, and the last was a teenage blonde girl standing near

"Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody." Sirius said in his best grizzle.

He was standing next to the bed with Tara strapped to it. "This body is Professor Tara Maclay, assistant
potions mistress, daughter to Remus Lupin.... but the spirit speaking just now is Alan Francis Doyle. When I
was living, I was part human and part Bracken demon.... as well as bein' a seer for a champion named Angel.
Also, I ain't the only thing swirlin' about in this girl's head."

Tara tossed her head then and gasped. "Sirius?"

And despite himself, he answered her. "Yes."

There was much shouting from the wizarding community among them who didn't know. An older witch with a
mane of raven hair jumped at him, tackling Sirius in his 'Moody' suit to the floor. She had her wand at his throat.

"Hello, cousin Andromeda."

Harry was looking. The woman looked exactly like Narcissa Malfoy except she had black hair like Sirius.

"Sirius Black." She hissed.

"Mum, can you get up? I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't have him here without a good reason."

"Quite right, Nymphadora." Dumbledore answered while the young woman cringed at the use of her name.
"Best to get it all out now if we are to work this with any hope of success. Truth must be known here. Sirius is
not the murderer he is believed to be. He was framed by Peter Pettigrew."

"Pettigrew's dead." Andromeda snapped.

"Is he now, sister?" Narcissa remarked. "Funny that a dead man was staying at Malfoy Manor but a few months

"Sister!" Draco shouted.

Andromeda leveled her brilliant blue gaze at him. "I'm your Auntie Andy, Draco."

The young woman who'd called Andromeda mum raised a hand. "Wotcher, Draco. I'm your cousin Tonks."

"I've just got family coming out my arse then."

"Draco Malfoy, watch your mouth!"

Andromeda snorted. "He's so you, Cissa." She looked around the room "The name's Andromeda Black Tonks.
This is my daughter Nymphadora."

The young woman cringed again at the use of her given name. Her heart-shaped face was graced with black
curls and big blue eyes. She looked like a younger version of Andromeda, but with short curls.

Andromeda helped Sirius to his feet. Well, foot and peg leg.... as he was still Moody-fied.

"Can it really be you in there, cousin?"

"It is, Andy."

"You were framed... and we none of us considered that. We thought you guilty.... of killing James and Lily.
Bloody hell, Sirius. I don't know what to say. The evidence is so against you, cousin."

"I hope to rectify that one day by apparating into the middle of the Ministry of Magic holding Peter."

Andromeda nodded curtly then threw her arms about him. "When will you be normal again? This is polyjuice,
correct? I want to see what you look like now."

"I'm an old man."

Tara snorted. "Hardly."

"Hello, I'm Arthur Weasley. I'm Ron and Ginny's father, as well as father to Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and
George and husband to Molly here. I work for the Ministry of Magic in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts

"I'm Arthur's wife Molly." Said the mother earth-looking redhead in the patchwork dress next to him.

A tall redhead with hair way past his shoulders and an earring stepped forward. "I'm Bill Weasley. I work for
Gringotts. It's a wizard bank for those that don't know. I'm a curse-breaker. It's what it sounds like."

"I'm Charlie Weasley. I work with dragons." He was shorter and tightly packed with muscles. His red hair was
short and stuck up off his head. There was a shadow of red stubble across his jaws.

"You work with... what?" A girl from Angel's group of extras asked. "Did you say... dragons?"

"Yes I did."

"Killer spectacular."

Percy cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up on his nose. "I'm Percy Weasley. I work at the Ministry
under Cornelius Fudge."

There was much grumbling from the wizards at the name Fudge.

"I'm Fred Weasley."

"No I'm Fred. He's George Weasley."

"Rubbish. I'm Fred. He's George."

"Stop it, you two." Molly hissed.

Bill and Charlie exchanged a smirk. They knew they'd have to help people tell them apart.

"Actually, I'm Fred." Said a tall thin brunette. "Winifred Burkle, but most everybody calls me Fred. So hiya. I
work for Angel Investigations. I, um, know a lot about portals and physics."

"I'm Angel."

Cordelia elbowed him.

"I'm a vampire."

He was elbowed again.

"A souled vampire."

"Oh my God. Do I have to do this for you?"

"Well, what do you want me to say?"

"How about you're a champion for the Powers That Be? You help the hopeless? You're Connor's dad?"

"What she said."

Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Cordelia Chase. Seer. Half demon. Higher being."

"Higher being?" Buffy asked.

"Yeah, I ascended to a higher plane of existence at the beginning of the summer, but I had to come back."


"Angel was mucking. You know how he likes to muck things up."

"Mmmm." Buffy nodded in agreement.

"Standing right here." Angel snapped.

"Anyways..." Gunn said, standing up. "I'm Charles Gunn. Everybody calls me Gunn 'cept Fred. I work for my boy
Angel, all mucking aside."

"Hey there, everybody. I'm Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan, but you can call me Lorne. Actually, I beg you
to call me Lorne. I don't hail from Hell-A originally, but it's home. I was born in a different dimension called
Pylea... and thank the Gods, Goddess, and all those of a deity nature I got sucked into this world. Woo hoo."
Roll Call