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Welcome to the main page for Seirago. Seirago is a mystical world where the main humanoid creatures are humans and elves. There are many mythical beasties on Seirago, including dragons, unicorns, griffins(you may spell it gryphynns (^.^), or whatever crazy way but on Seirago it is griffins) and other 'mythical' beasts.


Elves have really long names. Mine is Vénæaltiromosæ Alræ'Téyæ. Æ and é are comman characters in elven names.








I'm going to put down some of the more comman characters. All of these are done by pressing down alt then pressing down the numbers on the number pad. Æ is with 146,æ is with 145, É is with 144, Ä - 142, ì - 141, î - 140, é - 130, ï - 139, è - 138, ë - 137, ê - 136, à - 133, ä - 132, â - 131, ü - 129, Ç - 128, Ü - 666. Those are all the ones I kow for now.