
There are a collection of stories and other things that I have written. This site contains some adult content so if you are not adult enough to handle that, I suggest you leave now. If you are adult I hope you enjoy!

Well about a week ago, my computer crashed. I had been working on the next chapter of Butterfly and had two other future chapters done but lost them becuase they weren't yet transfered to my disk. So needless to say, I'm angry at this story and am taking another break.
But good news is I'm adding two new stories for you, The Price of Love is complete, but Only on Mondays' is still a WIP (work in progress). Enjoy!

This is a dramatic romance, high on the angst scale. But there is a little humor snuck in there.
The Price of Love

This story is a romantic comedy/drama. I started it as a fluff peice, side project but I ended up falling in love with it.
Only on Monday's

The Deserted Island series is meant to be humorus. It was a story that was written to get a few laughs out of my friends, do not be offended by any of its material.
Deserted Island
Deserted Island II
Deserted Island III

About the Author

Please send me feedback telling me what you like, what you didn't or what you would like to see happen. Thanks a bunch.