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Hi! Well I hope that you've enjoyed my shrine to Buffy and Spike.... but enough about them for a sec, and lemme tell you a bit about me! Well, my name is Danica and I'm your average 19 year old. I'm originally from British Columbia, Canada. (The province above Washington State.... for those who have little global knowledge, or if you couldn't find Canada on the map to save your life.) But having graduated, and meeting my boyfriend, I've moved to Arizona, USA....

I'm a highschool graduate and I spend my free time hanging with friends --- and building this website... obviously. I hope to go to college someday, but I don't know what I want to do once I get there.... Could be a problem, if you know what I mean.

My interests are creative writing, designing, drawing, singing, and yes, shopping..... my motto is that every girl needs to spend money on herself at least a few times a month. But, I wouldn't recommend it if your out of school and unemployed...... trust me. Money goes too fast when you have very little of it, and it goes even faster when you're not making any of it!!

Favourite Quote from BtVS: "I lost a friend tonight! And I may lose more.... the world may be sucked into hell, and you want my help because your girlfriend is a big ho? Lemme take this opportunity to *not* care" - Buffy, speaking to Spike in "Becoming PT 2"

Favourite BtVS character: I would have to say Spike, because he's so witty, and full of life, or unlife in his case. Plus, he's english... that does something for him.

Favourite moment between Buffy and Spike: When Buffy whipped Spike's *ahem* out and had sex with him.... I would have done anything to be in her shoes

Favourite song off the BtVS album: It would probably be a 3-way tie between "Nothing but you" Kim Ferrson, "Teenage FBI" by Guided by Voices and "Temptation Waits" by Garbage.