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Sired by Angelus, Drusilla had been with Spike for over 200 years. Having been torchered by Angelus before being turned, Drusilla was driven to madness, and is mad to this day. It's not known who actually sired Spike (in the episode "School hard" Spike says that it was Angel, but in a later episode, we see Drusilla biting William the Bloody.) Anyway, Spike brings Drusilla to Sunnydale, because she was nearly killed in Prague by an angry mob, and the hell mouth's energy would restore her strength. They later do a ritual involving Angel to restore Drusilla to her full strength. Buffy comes to the rescue before Angel is killed, and puts Spike in a wheelchair......... When Angelus returns, he decides to make himself at home, and decides to help himself to certain *desires*... in this case Drusilla. Spike doesn't like the way Drusilla and Angel act around each other, so he starts planning for revenge. Angelus, later attempts to bring Acathla forth, (which would unleash hell on earth) and Spike goes to the Slayer for help.... Drusilla eventually leaves Spike for a Chaos Demon during the summer, and she returns to Sunnydale only to find that Spike has fallen for the slayer.

"Harmony's a vampire?!! She must be dying without a reflection" - Buffy Summers. Yes, Harmony once a moronic, ditsy bimbo was turned by Spike in the summer of '99 while she was on vacation. I think that Anya's description of Harmony was well said, and basically describes Harmony right down to the bone - "If Harmony had an original idea, her head would explode!" But anyway, Spike being heartbroken and all probably had no idea of what Harmony was really like.... and thought that it might be nice to have a rebound. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Even as a vampire she decided to decorate Spikes crypt with Unicorns! Well fortunately for Spike, he had that chip implanted in his brain, started to develope feelings for Buffy, and dumped Harmony. YAY!!!!

Angel came to Sunnydale to help the Slayer, he had watched her when she first found out her fate, and decided to become someone... someone important. At first Buffy didn't realize that Angel was a vampire, previously known as Angelus.... but she finds out when she had her first kiss with him. Cursed with a soul, Angel was closely being watched by Jenny Calendar, or Yannah, a gypsy... Jenny realized that Angel had made ammends, even by saving her life once or twice.... but her Uncle warned her not to forget her true identity, or the suffering that was inflicted on the Kelderhush people when Angelus killed their beloved daughter. He then said that the Elder woman could feel his pain lessning... Jenny admitted to there being a girl, but reassured her Uncle that Angel still suffered. Her Uncle immediatly told her to break them up, because one moment of true happiness would lift the curse. In the episode "Suprise", Buffy and Angel made love and Buffy woke up ("Innocence") only to find out that her boyfriend was gone and the demon that wore his face was back in town. Angelus found out that Jenny was going to curse him again, so he killed her, and left a gruesome present for Giles in his bed. Later on Angelus decided to bring Acathla forth, he attempted to, but he was unsuccessful. Desperate, Angelus kidnapped Giles and tortured him, but being stubborn, Giles didnt talk..... Then Drusilla tricked Giles into thinking that she was Jenny and Giles told her that Angel was the key.... his blood would open the gate to hell. When Buffy came to stop Angel she was forced to make a decision that she was unprepared to make..... Willow cursed Angel with a soul again at the very last minute, but it was too late. Angelus had already woken Acatha, and Buffy had to send Angel into hell with the blow of a sword. His blood opened it, his blood had to close it.... she kissed him and told him to close his eyes and then stabbed him with the sword. ----- A few months later Buffy was back at school and had a new boyfriend, and was trying to move on. Her boyfriend gave her a ring like the ring that Angel had given her.... Buffy, being upset, refused the ring. She later realized that she cant stay living in the past, so she places the ring that Angel had given her on the ground where Acathla used to stand and said her final goodbye.... or so we think. When Buffy left the mansion Angel fell from the sky. But Angel didnt stay in town for very long....... he remembered all the horrible things Angelus had done to Buffy and her friends. So he decided to give Buffy a better life by leaving Sunnydale. But we still get to see his royal hotness on ANGEL, his very own tv show, where he, Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn, and Fred run Angel investigations.

Buffy had met Riley when she started going to college. Riley actually seemed like a normal guy, until Buffy found out what line of work he was in... Riley worked for the Initiative, a government run program that did experiements on demons, and his job was to catch these demons. This is how Spike was defanged.... a chip was placed in his brain, and now he can't harm anything that is alive. Anyway, When Buffy encountered Dracula, he had bit her..... and when Riley found this out, he felt that he had to even the score, so he started to pay a vamp to suck blood from his arm. By this time Spike had started to have feelings for Buffy, and when he saw Riley with a vamp, he decided to take action.... tell Buffy. Well Buffy found out the hard way, she saw Riley with the Vamp, and the relationship fell down hill from there. Buffy couldn't trust Riley, and Riley knew this.... When Riley had to go to the Atlantic for a mission, he told Buffy that she could stop him if she truly loved him. By the time Buffy got to Riley, the helicopter was already in the air and Riley was flying out of her life.