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The Faun who is the attendant of Trumpkin in his old age.
The Silver Chair
A lord of Caspian IX. He was shot on a hunting party by command of Miraz. It was made to look accedintal.
Prince Caspian


Valley of the Thousand Perfumes-
A valley located near the lake Mezreel.
The Horse And His Boy
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian


Western Wild-
The wild land that lies to the west of Narnia.
White Stag-
The stag, that when you catch it, will give you a wish. It was persued by the Pevensies during the end of the Golden Age. When trying to capture it, they stumbled upon the entrance back into our world.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
White Witch-
The one who claimed queenship of the land of Narnia, and who put that land under a spell that made it winter and never Christmas. She was a cruel person who would turn her enemies to stone. She killed Aslan, but after he rose from the dead, was killed by him in the first Battle of Beruna. See also Jadis.
White Witch's House-
The White Witch's House, or maybe more correctly, castle was located between to hills in the northwest of Narnia. When looked at it "seemed to be all towers". The entrance to the courtyard was an arch with an iron gate and two towers. This courtyard is where the Witch put most of her statues. Inside the entrance to the actual castle was a "long gloomy hall" that was lined with statues also. The castle also consisted of dungeons.
Wimbleweather of Deadman's Hill-
A giant who attended the Coucil of War. He was also in the battle against Miraz and was a marshal at the spar of Peter and Miraz.
Prince Caspian
Wild Fresney-
A weed in Narnia that tastes good when cooked in butter and pepper.
The Last Battle
Winding Arrow-
The river that seperates Archenland and Calormen.
The Horse And His Boy
Wood Between The Worlds-
A wooded, "in-between" place full of pools, which, if jumped in would take you to another world.
The Magician's Nephew
A Satyr who betrayed his fellow Narnians and fought with the Calormenes during the last battle of King Tirian.
The Last Battle




Lady of the Night and of Maidens; A god of the Calormene.
The Horse And His Boy
A battle in Calormen where Alimash, cousin of Aravis, fought.
The Horse And His Boy