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A Talking raven who accopanied the Narnian lords to Calormen.
The Horse And His Boy
One of the maids for the Ketterley's.
The Magician's Nephew
Sea Serpent-
While on their voyage to the end of the world, the Dawn Treader was latched onto by a sea serpent of the colors green and vermillion with blotches of purple. They succeeded in pushing the beast off, but only narrowly before the boat was crushed. This is where Eustace first showed his courage.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Seven Brothers of Shuddering Wood-
Seven Red Dwarf brothers who live underground and worked as blacksmiths in Shuddering Wood.
Prince Caspian
Seven Isles-
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All the worlds as they are now. They are mere shadows of the real worlds they represent. This is seen with the Old Narnia and the New Narnia in the Last Battle.
One of the lords of Archenland.
The Horse And His Boy
The twin of Corin who, when he was but a week old, was kidnapped and ended up being adopted by Arsheesh, who found Shasta in a boat. He, when older, discovers Bree, a Talking Horse from Narnia, who he then accompanies on his escape to that country, and later on the way are accompanied by Aravis Tarkeena and Hwin. After reaching their destination, he later becomes King of Archenland after finding out he is the King's son and that his real name is Cor. He marries Aravis and has a son, Ram the Great.
The Horse And His Boy
An ape who lived in the last days of Narnia. He was so-called friends with the donkey Puzzle. Shift made him dress up in a lion skin and pretend to be Aslan. He sided with the Calormenes and allowed them to get a foothold in Narnia so that they could conquer it. Shift was eventually thrown into the Stable where he was eaten by Tash.
The Last Battle
A constellation in the Narnian sky.
Prince Caspian
The river that seperates Narnia and Ettinsmoor.
Shuddering Wood-
A solem woods made up of fir trees. It was home to the smithy of the Seven Brother of Shuddering Wood, which were all Red Dwarves.
Prince Caspian
Silver Sea-
The name given to the sea that is at the end of the world. Its waters were sweet and it was given its name by the mass of lily's that grew in it.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
A fox who betrayed his fellow Narnians and fought with the Calormenes during the last battle of King Tirian.
The Last Battle
Smugglers' Cave-
The passageway in the attic that Polly stores apples, her book she is writing, old ginger-beer bottles, and so on. It is throught this passage that Polly and Digory find there way to Mr. Ketterly's office, which eventually leads them to Narnia.
The Magician's Nephew
The horse of The Lady of Green Kirtle.
The Silver Chair
A lord of King Miraz.
Prince Caspian
A ruined city on the native planet of the White Witch.
Sorner, "Spotty"-
A bully at Experiment House who picks on Jill and other students.
The Silver Chair
Narnian's north star. It is brighter than our north star.
One of the students at Experiment House.
The Silver Chair
Splendor Hyaline-
The Narnian ship of the High King and his syblings. It is onced used in the escape from Tashbaan.
Stable Hill-
The hill where Shift the Ape held his pretend Aslan. Here he would show the Narnian's "Aslan" so that they would follow Shift's plans. This is also the place where the last battle of Narnia took place.
The Last Battle
A giant who lived in the last days of Narnia. He was summoned by King Tirian to come fight the Calormenes at Lantern Waste.
The Last Battle
Stone Table-
The table where The White Witch killed Aslan and where Aslan arose from the dead. In later days there was erected a hill over the top of it.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
Stormness Head-
A mountain on the border of Archenland and Narnian.
The Horse And His Boy
The cabby horse owned by Frank. When he comes to Narnia, he is granted speech by Aslan and is made the father of all flying horses. He helps Digory and Polly on their journey to find the apple requested by Aslan.
The Magician's Nephew
Nickname given to Eustace by Pug, the slave lord, when he was a captive of him.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Summer Festival-
A week long festival in Narnia where there are "bonfires and all-night dances of Fauns and Dryads in the heart of the woods".
The Horse And His Boy
Susan Pevensie-
Queen of Narnia during the Golden Age. She first entered Narnia through the wardrobe with the rest of the Pevensies. She was a beautiful woman and was desired by many princes during her reign. She was thinking about wedding Rabadash Tarkaan, but after seeing him in his homeland, she decided against this folly. She was a master marksman, as good a bowman as any dwarf. She later returned to Narnia to help in setting Prince Caspian on the throne. This was her last trip to Narnia, and she never saw the likeness of it again. She became too "grown up" to believe in such things as Narnia and therefore didn't enter into the new Narnia after the destruction of the old.
A Narnian Queen who lived in the day's before the White Witch. She was so beautiful that it is said when she looked into a pool of water,it shone like a star for a year and a day afterward.
The Last Battle


A name of one of the slave dealers who caught Caspian, the Pevensie's, Eustace, and Reepicheep.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
A star also known as the Lord of Victory. When it nears Alambil, it is said this is a sign that some great good is about to come to Narnia.
Prince Caspian
The main god of the Calormenes. He has four arms with twenty total talon-like claws and a head of a bird of prey. When seen on his way to Stable Hill in the Last Battle, it was said that the grass seemed to wither as he floated over it. He was present inside the stable where he ate Shift and Rishda Tarkaan.
The capitol city of Calormen. It is the place where the Tisroc lives and where the great temple of Tash is.
A Calormen province that was taken in battle.
The Horse And His Boy
A city in Calormen where Emeth's dad lived.
The Last Battle
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What Jill calls the girls at Experiment House who bully her.
The Silver Chair
A Dwarf who, on the edge of battle, got in a fight with Corin.
The Horse And His Boy
Another name for the Dufflepuds.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
The last of all kings in Narnia. He was great friends with Jewel the Unicorn. He loved to stay at his hunting lodge where he would sit back and relax. He was held captive by Shift the Ape when the evil time of Narnia's conquering came about. He called on Narnians from our world to come and help him in his plight. Eustace and Jill were the ones who came to help him. He led the last battle that was fought in Narnia and soon afterwards entered into the New Narnia where he met his father once again.
The Last Battle
The title given to the ruler of Calormen.
Tombs of the Ancient Kings-
A place with beehive-like tombs on the northwestern edge of Tashbaan. Here is where Shasta was to meet Aravis, Hwin, and Bree if they were to get split up in Tashbaan. It is said by the Calormenes to be haunted.
The Horse And His Boy
One of the lords of Archenland.
The Horse And His Boy
A kind badger who helped Caspian X gain his rightful place on the throne. He was in the battle against Miraz and was the one who always believed that Aslan was real and that the High King and his siblings would come to their rescue. One of the statements he often made was, "I'm a beast, I am, and a Badger what's more. We don't change. We hold on...and we beasts remember...".
Prince Caspian
A Red Dwarf who was a great friend of Caspian X. He was a non-believer of Aslan and the stories of old, but was changed after his meeting with the High King himself. He was set straight and was a very respectable dwarf the rest of his life. In his later days he becomes bald and quite deaf. He is a very kind-hearted dwarf and he is the one who is in command over Narnia whenever Caspian is out of the country.
Tumnus, Mr.-
The Faun who first found Lucy in Narnia. He was working for the White Whitch at the time, but he repented of this. His treachary was found out by the White Witch and he was turned to stone for it. He was later freed by Aslan. In latter days Mr. Tumnus went along with Susan and Edmund to Tashbaan where he met Shasta, who he thought was Corin.