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Prince Caspian

The star also known as The Lady of Peace. When it comes close to the star Tarva, it is said this is a sign of some great good that will come to Narnia.
Narnia's morning star. When seen in Prince Caspian it "gleamed like a little moon".
A Narnian lord executed on a false charge by King Miraz.
The great Lion, King of all Kings of Narnia, killer of the White Witch, the son of the Emperor-over-the-sea. He has power over all of Narnia and is the leader of all good creatures. He has been present in Narnia during all their times of great need. He is the savior of all creatures of Narnia and is known in our world as the Trinity.
Aslan's How-
The giant hill that was erected over the Stone Table and stood at the time of Miraz.


A city built on the very same place where Mr. and Mrs. Beaver's house used to be.
A lord of Caspian IX. He was shot with an arrow on a hunting party at the command of Miraz. It was made to look accidental.
One of the seven lost lords of Narnia. He lived on Avra and had a town seemingly named after him called Bernstead. He later became the first Duke of the Lone Islands after Gumpas was thrown down.
Bulgy Bears-
Three bear brothers who fought with Caspian X. One of these bears was a marshal at the spar between Peter and Miraz.
Cair Paravel-
The castle made by Aslan for King Frank and the castle of the following Narnian Kings and Queens. It was located on a peninsula that was in the Great Eastern Ocean, but in the time of Caspian X, it had become an island.
A hare who attended the Council of War. He was the one that first noticed the approach of Doctor Cornelius.
Caspian I-
The first Telmarine King in Narnia and the first king of the name Caspian. He conquered Narnia and led his people to its lands. He is the reason for the Beasts of Narnia going into hiding.
Caspian IX-
The father of Prince Caspian (X). He was usurped by his brother Miraz after being killed by him.
Caspian X-
The King of Narnia who set it back to what it was before the coming of the Telmars. He conquored his Uncle Miraz and became the rightful King. He led Narnia to peace, even though he was a child when he started his kingship.
Clodsley Shovel-
A mole who attended the Council of War. He, later in the story, was one of the moles who helped scoop up earth for the trees to eat at the great feast that was held with Aslan.
Cornelius, Doctor-
Caspian X's tutor. He was the second person to talk to Caspian about Old Narnia. He was, in fact, a half-dwarf. He later became Caspian's Lord Regent.


Dancing Lawn-
A flat, grass lawn were the Counsil of War took place when Caspian was trying to become the rightful King.
Deliverance, War of-
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Caspian X's horse. He was a black horse, and after Caspian was knocked off of him, he returned back to the castle, therefore revealing that Caspian had fled.
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.


Edmund Pevensie-
The youngest Pevensie boy, Edmund also used to be the meanest. He was the second to enter into Narnia, though he denied it to be spitefull towards Lucy. He sided with the White Witch, but realized the errors of his ways and let Aslan lead him back to the right side of the battle. Afterwards he became a great king in Narnia, during which time he finds his way into the story of Bree and his boy Shasta, until the Pevensies eventually find their way back to our world. When he returns to Narnia in Prince Caspian, he helps Caspian in his endeavor to restore order in the land by putting Caspian on the throne.
A Narnian lord executed on a false charge by King Miraz.


Fords of Beruna-
A ford of the Great River. This is the place where the war between the White Witch and Aslan took place. In Miraz's time, there was a bridge over this place and another battle was fought here called the Second Battle of Beruna were the Talking Beasts finally defeated the Telmarines and gained back the land of Narnia.


A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
A narrow inlet of the sea on the Narnian coast.
A Centaur who had three sons. He attended the council of war on Dancing Lawn and later the battle against Miraz. He was also one of the marshals at the spar between Peter and Miraz.
A lord of King Miraz. He killed Miraz after he sparred with Peter.
A summer month in Narnia.
A girl who followed Aslan after seeing him at her private school.


A constellation in the Narnian sky.
A group of three badgers who attended the Council of War.
A hedgehog who attended the Council of War.




A constellation in the Narnian sky.
The Chief Mole who helped plant the apple orchard outside Cair Paravel.
Lucy Pevensie-
The first, and youngest, Pevensie to enter Narnia. She was good friends with Mr. Tumnus and was present at the First and Second Battle of Beruna. During the Golden Age of Narnia, she was known as Lucy the Valiant. During this time she also fought at the Battle of Anvard, though only with a bow.


A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
The uncle of Caspian X also known as the usurper. He was the unrightful King of Narnia. He was killed in the spar that took place between him and Peter when his own lord stabbed him.


The King of Archenland during Caspian X's boyhood.
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A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
A Black Dwarf who was friends with Trumpkin and Trufflehunter. He always seemed to be a bad egg, and it turned out in the end that he was in fact evil and he was killed during one of the meetings of Caspian when he brought in a Hag and a Werewolf as to help them win the battle against Miraz.
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.


A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Old Raven of Ravenscaur-
A raven who attended the Council of War.
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.


A great Narnian house who was sent by King Miraz to fight giants. They were all killed one by one.
A red squirrel who attended the Counsil of War. He was sent my Caspian as a messenger to Lantern Waste in hopes that he might there find the High King and his siblings.
Rainbow-colored sea fish found off the coast of Narnia.
The talking mouse who was seen in Prince Caspian. He was the leader of the Mice in the stead of Reepicheep while he was away on the Dawn Treader. He became the true leader after Reepicheep didn't return.
Peter Pevensie-
The High King of Narnia and eldest of the Pevensie's. He fought against the White Witch at the First Battle of Beruna. He ruled with his brother and sisters during the Golden Age of Narnia. He fought the northern giants during this time. When he came back to Narnia during Prince Caspian, he fought in the Second Battle of Beruna and sparred with King Miraz in a duel. He won this, though it was from treachary on behalf of Miraz's men.
Prizzle, Ms.-
A teacher at a girls school in Beruna.
The wife of King Miraz.


Raven of Ravenscaur-
A Raven that was present at the council of war.
A noble mouse who was the leader of the Talking Mice. He lost his tale in the battle against Miraz, but was granted another by Aslan.
The name of Peter's sword.
A river in Narnia that in Caspian X's day's had formed a gorge.


Seven Brothers of Shuddering Wood-
Seven Red Dwarf brothers who live underground and worked as blacksmiths in Shuddering Wood.
A constellation in the Narnian sky.
Shuddering Wood-
A solem woods made up of fir trees. It was home to the smithy of the Seven Brother of Shuddering Wood, which were all Red Dwarves.
A lord of King Miraz.
Susan Pevensie-
Queen of Narnia during the Golden Age. She first entered Narnia through the wardrobe with the rest of the Pevensies. She was a beautiful woman and was desired by many princes during her reign. She was thinking about wedding Rabadash Tarkaan, but after seeing him in his homeland, she decided against this folly. She was a master marksman, as good a bowman as any dwarf. She later returned to Narnia to help in setting Prince Caspian on the throne. This was her last trip to Narnia, and she never saw the likeness of it again.


A star also known as the Lord of Victory. When it nears Alambil, it is said this is a sign that some great good is about to come to Narnia.
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A kind badger who helped Caspian X gain his rightful place on the throne. He was in the battle against Miraz and was the one who always believed that Aslan was real and that the High King and his siblings would come to their rescue. One of the statements he often made was, "I'm a beast, I am, and a Badger what's more. We don't change. We hold on...and we beasts remember...".
A Red Dwarf who was a great friend of Caspian X. He was a non-believer of Aslan and the stories of old, but was changed after his meeting with the High King himself. He was set straight and was a very respectable dwarf the rest of his life.


A lord of Caspian IX. He was shot on a hunting party by command of Miraz. It was made to look accedintal.


A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.


Wimbleweather of Deadman's Hill-
A giant who attended the Coucil of War. He was also in the battle against Miraz and was a marshal at the spar of Peter and Miraz.