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Lady of the Green Kirtle-
The name the Queen of Underland gave herself when she talked to Eustace, Jill, and Puddleglum. She also claimed to be friends with the "friendly" giants that she sent them to.
The Silver Chair
Lady Liln-
The wife of Fair Olvin that he won over. It is told of in the story of Fair Olvin known in Archenland and in Narnia.
Lantern Waste-
A woods in the northwest of Narnia where there is located a lamp-post. It was accidentaly put there by Jadis. It grew out of the ground from a piece of lamp-post taken from our world. It now stays lit day and night, since it was first put there.This is also the location where the Pevensies first entered Narnia.
Lapsed Bear of Stormness-
A Talking bear who turned to his wild ways and his speech was taken from him. He boxed with Corin 33 rounds and lost.
The Horse And His Boy
Lasaraleen Tarkheena-
A friend of Aravis. She is a very superficial woman. She only thinks of the pleasures of life and wonders why Aravis wouldn't want to marry Ahoshta, who is very rich. She helps Aravis escape Tashbaan, though somewhat unwillingly. She lives by the lake of Mezreel.
The Horse And His Boy
Lefay, Mrs.-
Mr. Ketterley's fairy godmother. She was the one who gave him the box of dust used to make the rings. She was nice to Mr. Ketterley, but not many other people.
The Magician's Nephew
A constellation in the Narnian sky.
Letitia Ketterley-
Andrew Keterley's sister and Digory's aunt. She pays for most things of Andrew's and took care of Digory's mother in her illness.
The Magician's Nephew
The Chief Mole who helped plant the apple orchard outside Cair Paravel.
Lucy Pevensie-
The first, and youngest, Pevensie to enter Narnia. She was good friends with Mr. Tumnus and was present at the First and Second Battle of Beruna. During the Golden Age of Narnia, she was known as Lucy the Valiant. During this time she also fought at the Battle of Anvard, though only with a bow. She was also aboard the Dawn Treader during its journey to the end of the world. She, along with all good Narnians, was in the New Narnia at the end of that world.
Lune, King-
The king of Archenland in the Golden Age, and the father of Cor and Corin.
The Horse And His Boy


Mabel Kirke-
Digory's mother who was very sick until she was brought the silver apple from Narnia, that ultimately cured her.
The Magician's Nephew
Macready, Mrs.-
The housekeeper for Proffesor Kirke's house.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
One of Proffesor Kirke's three servents.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
Marjorie Preston-
A friend of Lucy's that she saw in one of the spells of Coriakin's magic book. She saw her talking to Anne Featherstone.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
An evil wolf who is the Cheif of the White Witches Secret Police.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
One of the seven lost lords of Narnia. He was found on Ramundu's Island asleep at the Table of Aslan.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
A lake in Calormen located by the Valley of the Thousand Perfumes. Lasaraleen Tarkheena lives by here.
The Horse And His Boy
The uncle of Caspian X also known as the usurper. He was the unrightful King of Narnia. He was killed in the spar that took place between him and Peter when his own lord stabbed him.
Prince Caspian
A hare who could sit by Caldron Pool and hear what men said in whispers in the castle of Cair Paravel. He was mentioned in The Last Battle.
Mountain of Aslan-
The place beyond the end of the world that Narnia lies in. This is where Aslan seems to reside when not roaming around in other lands. This is a place of peace with large trees and birds that fly around inbetween them. Also this place seems to be where the dead of those who are followers of Aslan end up.
Mt. Pire-
A double-peaked mountain on the border of Archenland and Calormen. It is said that the mountian used to be a two-headed giant that was defeated by Fair Olvin.
The Horse And His Boy
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One of the gnomes-in-waiting at the Queen of the Underworld's castle.
The Silver Chair


The King of Archenland during Caspian X's boyhood.
Prince Caspian
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A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
See Helen.
A Black Dwarf who was friends with Trumpkin and Trufflehunter. He always seemed to be a bad egg, and it turned out in the end that he was in fact evil and he was killed during one of the meetings of Caspian when he brought in a Hag and a Werewolf as to help them win the battle against Miraz.
Prince Caspian
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian


A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
One of the seven lost lords of Narnia. His arm-ring was found on Dragon Island, and there it was believed he lost his life.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Old Raven of Ravenscaur-
A raven who attended the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
A Faun who served food to Jill and Eustace after coming up out of the Underworld.
The Silver Chair
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian