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Hall of Images-
The place where queen Jadis and some of her fellow species abided after the speaking of the Deplorable Word. Here came Digory and Polly, and Digory struck the magic bell and awoke Jadis.
The Magician's Nephew
Hall of the Black Marble-
A hall in the castle of the Tisroc.
The Horse And His Boy
Hall of Pillars-
A hall in the castle of the Tisroc.
The Horse And His Boy
Hall of Statues-
A hall in the castle of the Tisroc.
The Horse And His Boy
A constellation in the Narnian sky.
A group of three badgers who attended the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
A house of the giant's that live in the Wildlands of the North. Here live smarter giants than the dumb ones that live in Ettinsmoor. These giants consider humans as a delicacy.
The Silver Chair
Harold Scrubb-
Eustace's father.
Harpa Tarkaan-
The father of Emeth.
The Last Battle
Head, The-
The person in charge of Experiment House, the school that Jill and Eustace go to. She is considered crazy after she starts to spout about a huge lion she saw (Aslan). She is replaced by a new Head.
The Silver Chair
The wife of the cabby, Frank. She was the first Queen of Narnia.
The Magician's Nephew
Hermit of the Southern March-
A kind, old hermit who takes Bree, Hwin, and Aravis into his home. He has a pool with which he can see the current events that take place outside the walls of his home.
The Horse And His Boy
A hedgehog who attended the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
House of Imperial Posts-
The place of the Tisroc's post in Azim Balda.
The Horse And His Boy
The kidnapped horse who convinces Aravis to not commit suicide and then helps Shasta, Bree, and Aravis get out of Calormen and into Archenland. Supposedly she is the second cousin once removed of Bree.
The Horse And His Boy


Ilgamuth of the twisted lip-
A Calormene who fought at Anvard.
The Horse And His Boy
Ilsombreh Tisroc-
The great great grandfather of Aravis.
The Horse And His Boy
One of Proffesor Kirke's three servants.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe


The last survivor in the city of Charn, a place in another world. She is awoken by Digory and Polly, who accidentally bring her to our world. Here she brings chaos to London before being brought to the yet unmade Narnia. Here she unknowingly "plants" the lamp post and runs away to the garden atop the hill. Here she eats of the fruit of the tree causing her to loath the smell of the Tree of Protection planted in Narnia. In later years she becomes known as the White Witch.
The Magician's Nephew
A Unicorn who is great friends with King Tirian in the last days of Narnia. He commits murder, along with Tirian, when they kill unarmed Calormenes who have been overworking a Talking Horse. They both get tied up to be delt with at a later time, but they escape with help from Eustace and Jill. They fight it the final battle of Narnia together and both appear in the real Narnia in the end.
The Last Battle
Jill Pole-
A girl we first meet at Experiment House. She is constantly being picked on by bullies here. Here she makes friends with Eustace and they together enter Narnia. They go on an adventure to find Price Rilian. Jill is given the steps to find him from Aslan. Along the journey, she often goofs up these steps. They take the journey along with Puddleglum, who helps out a lot. She finds the Prince and helps set him free of his spell. She in later days returns to Narnia with Eustace to help King Tirian. She fights in the last battle and ends up in the real Narnia.


Kidrash Tarkaan-
The father of Aravis who is the lord of the province Calavar in Calormen. Also the name of Aravis's great grandfather.
The Horse And His Boy