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Meals of The Silver Chair

Eustace and Jill's Feast-
This meal was given to these two and many others when they first arrived in Narnia. It consisted of soups, pavenders, venison, peacock, pies, ices, jellies, fruit, nuts, wines, and fruit drinks.

Marshwiggle Meal-
This meal was served to Puddleglum, Eustace, and Jill at Puddleglum's home. It consisted of an eel stew and tea.

Wilderness Meal-
This quick meal was one Puddleglum, Eustace, and Jill ate just before they got to Harfang. It was just one fat wild goose that Puddleglum shot out of the air with his bow.

Harfang Dinner-
This meal was eaten by Puddleglum, Eustace, and Jill at Harfang the night they arrived. It was cock-a-leekie soup, hot roast turkey, steamed pudding, roast chestnuts, and fruit.

Harfang Lunch-
This is the meal eaten by Puddleglum, Eustace, and Jill the day they escaped. It was a Talking Stag that they ate. This made them sick.

Dark Castle Meal-
This meal took place in the castle located in Underland. It was eaten before Prince Rilian had his fit and before the Queen of Underland was killed. Puddleglum, Eustace, Jill, and Prince Rilian were present. The meal consisted of pigeon pie, cold ham, salad, cakes, and wine.

Supper in Narnia-
This was the meal given to Puddleglum, Eustace, Jill, and Prince Rilian when they made it back to Narnia. It consisted of piping hot sausage, mugs of frothy chocolate, roast potatoes, roast chestnuts, baked apples with raisins, and ices.

Breakfast in Narnia-
This was the breakfast that Puddleglum, Eustace, and Jill had the day after they were rescued. It was just scrammbled eggs and toast, which Eustace ate voraciously.