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Edith Jackle-
A bully at Experiment House who picks on Jill and other students.
The Silver Chair
Edith Winterblott-
A bully at Experiment House who picks on Jill and other students.
The Silver Chair
Edmund Pevensie-
The youngest Pevensie boy, Edmund also used to be the meanest. He was the second to enter into Narnia, though he denied it to be spitefull towards Lucy. He sided with the White Witch, but realized the errors of his ways and let Aslan lead him back to the right side of the battle. Afterwards he became a great king in Narnia, during which time he finds his way into the story of Bree and his boy Shasta, until the Pevensies eventually find their way back to our world. When he returns to Narnia in Prince Caspian, he helps Caspian in his endeavor to restore order in the land by putting Caspian on the throne. He also joins in on the voyage of the Dawn Treader where he encounters many adventures with the voyagers. This is his last time in Narnia. He is with all the other good Narnians in the new Narnia, or Aslan's Country when the old Narnia comes to an end in The Last Battle.
Eleanor Blakiston-
A bully at Experiment House who picks on Jill and other students.
The Silver Chair
A brave Calormene who was one of the only two Calormenes mentioned that had gotten into Aslan's Country.
The Last Battle
The Father of Aslan himself.
A Narnian lord executed on a false charge by King Miraz.
Prince Caspian
The father of King Tirian. He was killed in a battle with a giant.
The Last Battle
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Eustace Clarence Scrubb-
We first encounter Eustace, the mean-spirited cousin of the Pevensies, on the voyage of the Dawn Treader. Through the many adventures that the crew survives, Eustace’s behavior drastically changes from bad to good. After this voyage he is barely recognizable as the mean boy he was before. He later enters Narnia again with Jill Pole on a mission to find the lost Prince Rilian. They travel with Puddleglum, a marsh-wiggle, to Harfang and then down into Underworld, where they find the Prince and save him. In the last days of Narnia, Eustace comes again to Narnia with Jill. They save the King Tirian and help him in his last battle. They fought to the bitter end when they were finally thrown into the Stable. They end up in the new Narnia with all their friends.
Experiment House-
The school that Jill and Eustace go to. It is a very bad school were there are many bullies and you learn little stuff you do in normal schools. In the end it becomes one of the best schools in England after Aslan showed himself to the Head and she went crazy, starting an investigation on the school.
The Silver Chair


Fair Olvin-
The person who fought the Giant Pire and turned him into stone. This is the origin of Mt. Pire in Archenland. Fair Olvin later won the Lady Liln as his bride.
An eagle who lived in the last days of Narnia. He delivered the news about the attack the Calormenes made on Cair Paravel and fought in the last battle of King Tirian.
The Last Battle
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A ruined city on the native planet of the White Witch.
The Magician's Nephew
Fenris Ulf-
See Maugrim.
A berry from the valleys of the sun that is brought to Ramundu by the large, white birds of the sun. It was said to resemble the likness of a live coal.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Flaming Mountain of Lagour-
A mountain that Emeth mentioned when describing Aslan.
The Last Battle
The name of Strawberry after Aslan turned him into a flying horse, the father of all flying horses. See Strawberry.
The Magician's Nephew
Fords of Beruna-
A ford of the Great River. This is the place where the war between the White Witch and Aslan took place. In Miraz's time, there was a bridge over this place and another battle was fought here called the Second Battle of Beruna were the Talking Beasts finally defeated the Telmarines and gained back the land of Narnia.
Frank, King-
The first King of Narnia. He was a cabby in London with his horse Strawberry, before coming to Narnia. He ruled over Narnia with his wife Helen.
The Magician's Nephew


The Narnian King who was ninth in descendant from the first of all Kings, King Frank. He delivered the Lone Islands from a dragon and then the Isles gave their land to be part of the land of Narnia.
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Twins at Experiment House who pick on Jill and other students.
The Silver Chair
A tomcat who lived in the last days of Narnia. After turning to the side of the Calormenes, he is caught in one of his plots and loses his ability to talk, becoming a dumb beast.
The Last Battle
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian
A narrow inlet of the sea on the Narnian coast.
A Centaur who had three sons. He attended the council of war on Dancing Lawn and later the battle against Miraz. He was also one of the marshals at the spar between Peter and Miraz.
Prince Caspian
A white owl who saw Eustace and Jill "fly" into Narnia and helped them escape Cair Paravel to the Parliament of Owls. He carried the kids on his back as he flew through the air to the Parliament. The journey to find Prince Rilian may never have started if not for the help of Glimfeather.
The Silver Chair
A lord of King Miraz. He killed Miraz after he sparred with Peter.
Prince Caspian
An Earthman, or Gnome, who told Jill, Eustace, Puddleglum, and Prince Rilian about the land of Bism before he himself departed to that place.
The Silver Chair
Grand Vizier-
A person who is high in Calormene hierarchy. This position was held by Ahoshta during The Horse And His Boy.
The Horse And His Boy
Great River-
The main river of Narnia. Its head is at Cauldron pool, which is fed by the Great Waterfall. The river empties into the Great Eastern Ocean by the castle of Cair Paravel.
Great Snow Dance-
A dance which Fauns, Dryads, and Dwarves take place in. In the dance, the Fauns and Dryads dance to the music that is being played in many complicated steps. The dwarves then circle around them throughing snowballs with such good timing and aim that it would pass inbetween the dancers. The dance takes place every year on the first moonlit night when there is snow on the ground.
The Silver Chair
A summer month in Narnia.
A Dwarf who lived in the last days of Narnia. He did not believe in Aslan and thought the dwarves needed no one else. He ended up rejecting the grace of Aslan.
The Last Battle
The governer of the Lone Islands. He poorly controlled the islands and when King Caspian X came, he was removed from the throne and Bern was put in his place as the new Duke of the Lone Islands.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
A girl who followed Aslan after seeing him at her private school.
Prince Caspian