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Cair Paravel-
The castle made by Aslan for King Frank and the castle of the following Narnian Kings and Queens. It was located on a peninsula that was in the Great Eastern Ocean, but in the time of Caspian X, it had become an island.
A province in Calormen, who's lord is Kidrash Tarkaan, Aravis's father.
The Horse And His Boy
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A hare who attended the Council of War. He was the one that first noticed the approach of Doctor Cornelius.
Prince Caspian
One of the students at Experiment House.
The Silver Chair
Caspian I-
The first Telmarine King in Narnia and the first king of the name Caspian. He conquered Narnia and led his people to its lands. He is the reason for the Beasts of Narnia going into hiding.
Prince Caspian
Caspian IX-
The father of Prince Caspian (X). He was usurped by his brother Miraz after being killed by him.
Caspian X-
The King of Narnia who set it back to what it was before the coming of the Telmars. He conquored his Uncle Miraz and became the rightful King. He led Narnia to peace, even though he was a child when he started his kingship. Three years after his corontaion, he set sail to find the seven lost lords that his evil uncle sent out to sea. He found all these accept for the Lord Octesian. He sailed as near to the end of the world as his ship would take him and took back home for him a bride, the daughter of Ramundu. In later days he is blessed with a son named Rilian. His son grows older and then the unthinkable happened. Caspians wife is killed by a green serpent. His son searches for many, many days to find this serpent and gain revenge, but his son one day is lost, causing Caspian to mourn ever the more greatly. This leads Caspian to set sail once again to find Aslan to ask what to do. Caspian returns back to Narnia to find his son found, but death is knocking on Caspians door, and he soon dies. He is brought to the country of Aslan, and there is made to look younger after Aslan sheds blood for him. Then Caspian gets his wish of seeing our world, though only for a moment, with Eustace and Jill, and Aslan himself. Some of the titles of Caspian include Caspian the Seafarer and Caspian the Navigator.
Cauldron Pool-
The pool at the bottom of the Great Waterfall. It is the headwaters of the Great River. This is the spot where a lion skin was found by Shift and Puzzle.
The main city of the native planet of Jadis. It is the place of the palace of Charn, wherein lies the Hall of Images where Jadis was awoken by Digory.
The Magician's Nephew
A white Talking Stag that ran to Cair Paravel to tell of the attack on Anvard.
The Horse And His Boy
A town in Narnia mentioned by Shift. It has a market place.
The Last Battle
A Calormene who fought at Anvard.
The Horse And His Boy
Cholmondely Major-
A bully at Experiment House who picked on Jill and other students.
The Silver Chair
City Ruinous-
The ruined giant city that had the words "Under Me" written on its road surface. The city in one of the clues given to Jill by Aslan for the finding of Prince Rilian.
The Silver Chair
The daughter of the Chief Dufflepud. She was the one who spoke the spell from Coriakin's magic book to make the Dufflepud's, and in fact even Coriakin, invisible.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Clodsley Shovel-
A mole who attended the Council of War. He, later in the story, was one of the moles who helped scoop up earth for the trees to eat at the great feast that was held with Aslan.
Prince Caspian
A Centaur who came to heal Puddleglum's burnt foot after he came up from the Underworld. One of the fauns present also calls Cloudbirth a "leech".
The Silver Chair
The horse of Prince Rilian while under his enchantment.
The Silver Chair
One of the lords of Archenland. Brother to Colin.
The Horse And His Boy
One of the lords of Archenland. Brother to Cole.
The Horse And His Boy
See Shasta.
A star that was under punishment for some wrongdoing. He was sent to the island of the Dufflepuds and there he governed them and made them into what they look like today.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
The twin brother of Cor (Shasta). He was the best boxer in all of the North. He even defeated the Lapsed Bear of Stormness Head.
The Horse And His Boy
Cornelius, Doctor-
Caspian X's tutor. He was the second person to talk to Caspian about Old Narnia. He was, in fact, a half-dwarf. He later became Caspian's Lord Regent.
Prince Caspian
Corradin of Castle Tormunt-
A Calormene who fought at Anvard.
The Horse And His Boy


Dancing Lawn-
A flat, grass lawn were the Counsil of War took place when Caspian was trying to become the rightful King.
Prince Caspian
One of the lords of Archenland. Brother to Darrin.
The Horse And His Boy
Dark Island-
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One of the lords of Archenland. Brother to Dar.
The Horse And His Boy
Deathwater Island-
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Deliverance, War of-
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Deplorable Word-
A word that, if spoken with the proper ceremonies would destroy all living things, except the person who spoke it. Jadis spoke this word, and destroyed all living things, but not herself.
The Magician's Nephew
Caspian X's horse. He was a black horse, and after Caspian was knocked off of him, he returned back to the castle, therefore revealing that Caspian had fled.
Prince Caspian
One of the Dwarves that were thrown into the stable on Stable Hill. They wouldn't trust anybody but themselves and ended refusing the grace of Aslan himself.
The Last Battle
Digory Kirke-
The nephew of Andrew Ketterley and a friend of Polly's. After being tricked into entering the Wood between the Worlds by his uncle, he awakes Jadis from her sleep and brings her back to our world. After this he brings her into Narnia where she's know as the White Witch. Here he travels to the garden atop the hill and brings an apple back to Aslan. He plants the Tree of Protection and with its fruit, heals his mother. He plants the seeds of this apple in our world and it grows into the tree that was eventually used to make the wardrobe through which the Pevensies first found Narnia. He later becomes known as Proffesor Kirke. Also see Proffesor Kirke.
The Magician's Nephew
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Dragon Island-
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Drinian, Lord-
The captain of the Dawn Treader. He was the controler of this vessel on its journey to the end of the world.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
The Red Dwarf who brought Shasta to his home and fed him. He is brother to Rogin and Bricklethumb.
The Horse And His Boy
The species of dwarves that lived on the island that Coriakin owned. They were noticably stupid and didn't have much in the way of common sense. They were always in agreement with their Chief and one of their main differences from regular dwarves was that they had only one leg that they could, in fact, acutally use as a boat to float around on the water with.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
A Faun who danced at Dancing Lawn the night before the Council of War.
Prince Caspian