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Adela Pennyfather-
A bully at Experiment House who picks on Jill and various other students. She was talking about how much Eustace had changed in the changing room.
The Silver Chair
Ahoshta Tarkaan-
The old man who is to be wed to Aravis. He became, after the former one died, the Grand Vizier. He was a very rich man with many palaces.
The Horse And His Boy
The star also known as The Lady of Peace. When it comes close to the star Tarva, it is said this is a sign of some great good that will come to Narnia.
Prince Caspian
Alberta Scrubb-
Eustace's mother.
The cousin of Aravis; He was the captian of the chariots.
The Horse And His Boy
Andrew Ketterley-
Digory's uncle and Letitia Ketterley's brother. He is a magician, but in the eyes of Jadis, a very insignificant one. His godmother, who had fairy blood, gave him a box that contained what Andrew used to make the rings that took you to the Wood between the Worlds. He tricked Polly into using the ring and then sent his nephew. When they brought back Jadis, though, he was made to cart her around London until he, along with others from our world, and Jadis were brought to Narnia. Here Andrew basically lost all hope of coming to know Aslan and since this experience, he has been a quite different person.
The Magician's Nephew
Anne Featherstone-
A girl who was seen talking to Marjorie Preston when Lucy saw her through the magic of Coriakin's magic book.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
The Tarkaan who had owned Bree. He had a crimson beard. He fought at the battle of Anvard, and there died.
The Horse And His Boy
The castle in Archenland where the King of that country resides. It is a small castle that has many towers, but there is no moat. This is where the Battle of Anvard was fought.
Narnia's morning star. When seen in Prince Caspian it "gleamed like a little moon".
Prince Caspian
A Tarkheena who is pledge to be married to Ahoshta Tarkaan. Because of this, she decides to commit suicide, but is persuaded not to when she discovers her horse, Hwin, can talk. She then sets off with Hwin to Narnia and the North. She is driven by a lion to meet Shasta and Bree, which she accompanies on her journey North. She then, in later life after reaching the North, marries Shasta, or Cor, and becomes Queen of Archenland, and mother to Ram the Great. She is one of only two Calormenes to be know to have been in the new Narnia, or Aslan's Country.
The Horse And His Boy
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Ardeeb Tisroc-
The great great great grandfather of Aravis who is said to be descended in a right line from the god Tash.
The Horse And His Boy
One of the seven lost lords of Narnia. He was found on Ramundu's Island asleep at Aslan's Table.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
A Narnian lord executed on a false charge by King Miraz.
Prince Caspian
The poor fisherman who adopted Shasta after finding him in a boat. He raised Shasta and made him work hard to earn his living in his house. He wasn't overly kind to him and planned to sell him to the Tarkaan Anradin, but Shasta escaped before he was sold.
The Horse And His Boy
The great Lion, King of all Kings of Narnia, killer of the White Witch, the son of the Emperor-over-the-sea. He has power over all of Narnia and is the leader of all good creatures. He has been present in Narnia during all their times of great need. He is the savior of all creatures of Narnia and is known in our world as the Trinity.
Aslan's Country-
The place that Reepicheep finds at the end of the world in VDT and the place that Jill and Eustace find themselves in SC. It is a place filled with uncomprehensible hights of mountains, so high that the clouds look like sheep from the top of them. There are many trees that are spaced far enough appart as to give a park feel the the forests. There are also birds that aren't found in Narnia that abound here. This is also where we see King Caspian after his death in SC.
Aslan's How-
The giant hill that was erected over the Stone Table and stood at the time of Miraz.
Prince Caspian
Aslan's Table-
A great table that is seen on Ramundu's Island where a fresh meal is placed on every morning after the white birds of the sun pick the table clean and deliver a fire-berry to Ramundu. This table is where the three lords gained an enchanted sleep and where the stone knife of the White Witch was laid.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Autumn Feast-
The annual feast that the giant's of Harfang celebrate. The specialty of the feast is humans, served between the fish and the joint.
The Silver Chair
Autumn Festival-
A festival in Calormen where Rabadash had to go to free himself from the spell that turned him into a donkey.
The Horse And His Boy
The Grand Vizier before Ahoshta took his place after his death.
The Horse And His Boy
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A god of the Calormenes.
The Horse And His Boy
Azim Balda-
A city at the meetings of many roads. Also the place of the post of the Tisroc.
The Horse And His Boy
A Calormene who fought at Anvard.
The Horse And His Boy


A bully at Experiment House who picks on Jill and other students.
The Silver Chair
The lord of Archenland, once Lord Chancellor, who kidnapped Shasta, or Cor, when he was a baby. He also was found out to have relayed secret information to the Tisroc, who he was in pay with. He died in the attempt to kidnap Shasta.
The Horse And His Boy
Beaver, Mr.-
The kind beaver who took the Pevensie's into his home, located on the Great River. He helped, with his wife, to bring the Pevensie's to Aslan. He and his wife were one of the last Talking beavers left in Narnia during the time the Pevensies first came.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
Beaver, Mrs.-
Mr. Beaver's wife who cooked for and helped the Pevensie's along with Mr. Beaver. She always thought of their needs such as needing a sewing machine for their trip in case they needed to stich something up.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
A city built on the very same place where Mr. and Mrs. Beaver's house used to be.
A lord of Caspian IX. He was shot with an arrow on a hunting party at the command of Miraz. It was made to look accidental.
Prince Caspian
One of the seven lost lords of Narnia. He lived on Avra and had a town seemingly named after him called Bernstead. He later became the first Duke of the Lone Islands after Gumpas was thrown down.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
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One of Proffesor Kirke's three servants.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
Bight of Calormen-
The "bight" shaped curve formed by the Eastern Ocean on the coasts of Narnia, Archenland, and Calormen.
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The Silver Chair
A ruined city on the native planet of the White Witch.
The Magician's Nephew
Breehy-hinny-brinny-hoohy-hah (Bree)-
The kidnapped Narnian horse under mastership of Anradin Tarkaan that escaped his master and helped Shasta, Hwin, and Aravis get to Archenland. He had his doubts about being accepted by other Narnian horses, but he was eventually reassured. Supposedly he is the second cousin once removed of Hwin.
The Horse And His Boy
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A Dwarf who helps feed Shasta. He is brother to Rogin and Duffle.
The Horse And His Boy
Bridge Builder-
Name given to Aslan by himself when talking to Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace at the world's end.
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Brothers of Beaversdam-
Title given to two brothers in the town of Beaversdam. They were Telmarine lords under the service of Caspian IX.
Prince Caspian
A respectable Giant family of Narnia.
The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
Bulgy Bears-
Three bear brothers who fought with Caspian X. One of these bears was a marshal at the spar between Peter and Miraz.
Prince Caspian
Burnt Island-
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