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Enori's Middle Earth

The Place is Middle Earth...

You cross a broad, flowing river, your boots and the hem of your cloak becoming soaked in the process. But your attention isn't on your discomfort; it's on the massive silver trees that spread the boughs only a short distance away. The leaves are golden, and you seemed to have stepped back in time. The river you have just crossed is the Nimrodel, and the wood before you is the Golden Wood, Lothlorien. You look around with wonder, recalling the tales about this place as you gaze at the Mallorn trees and feel the sweet breeze playing on your face. For evil is growing in the land again, and you search for hope among the gentle wood.

But your revery is interupted as a silver-fletched arrow implants itself in the earth near your foot, and a silvery voice with a strange accent calls out, "Hold, dweller of the outer lands, or the next shaft shall peirce thy heart! Be thou friend or foe?" You swallow nervously and call out, "Friend." A slender being drops gracefully from one of the trees, but keeps her bow trained on you at all times. "I am Enori Eowyle, leader of the Remnants. Who be you?" You gasp in surprise; you now recognize the accent. You had thought the all the elves and journeyed to the Gray Havens long ago, but this woman is indeed one of their kind. You hastily explain yourself, knowing of their characteristic suspicion and distrust. Lessening the pull on her bow, she says, "Follow me." You do so, glad that you have survived the encounter....for now.
