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Hi my name is Alysha and I'm 14 years old I live in Palmerton and Saylorsburg. It's a long story. I have a boyfriend named Miguel and he is the best thing in my life I love him more than anything. I really don't have much to say about myself I think I'm pretty boring allthough ever since Miguel came along I feel like I'm specail. Well my dad killed himself when I was 2 years old so I really don't know him and my mom well she's alright she spoiles me to death and so does my step dad Jeff. I have no brothers or sisters But the closest thing I have is my lil cousin Dustin and my one close friend Amber(who sometimes gives me more problems).Well thats just about it for my self so here is other stuff.

oh yeh just so you know my life is bascicly pointless It sux!!! :)

Thank you for checking out my site! come see it again some time!!

THis Site is disscontinued!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Thingz

Me And My Man
About Me
Shout Outz
My thoughts and stuff
My Journal
Thingz I 4 gots
Questions of the week
Valentines day
