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*The swamp disolves around you as you leave the swamp and come into a clearing. There is a rock to your right and trees that seem to file out of both sides of the rock. Mostly oak and pine trees. To your right past the rock there is a stream and a lake further down which the stream feeds into. It appears the ground is solid enough. You look behind shortly where you had just come from the swamp to find a row of trees, you try to look around them but they are to tightly packed together. You ponder how you even got through them in the first place."This is the packs home place." says BlackJack as you jump slightly started."If you care to run with this pack then you have to earn it to do so. Take a look around and get back to me shortly and do I mean shortly, I do not like to wait."he glares down at you from the rock you saw earlier. You look around sniffing then suddenly relize there are not tracks or traces of any other wolves. You look up towards BlackJack but he gone. You turn started to meet the faces of the other members. They laugh at you and walk into the woods. Bumping into your sides and knocking you down forcefully.*

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