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Planet of Dragotia

My Favorite things about Dragons

My Favorite Web Sites

Awesome Dragon Pics
More Dragon Pics
Dragon Story
Wants Some More Dragons?
Check These Out
Cute Dragons
Little-Big Dragon
Funniest Pic Here (Or at least in my opinion)
This I know you'll love
The Best Dragon Pics
For All You Final Fantasy Fans Out There

Hey! All you dragon fans out there! Mind if i tell ya about how i met my first dragon named Te-Kai? Well, one day i was walking alongside of my best friends and best friends, Annie, Hallie and Kristen, hehe... We were going to the movie theaters when a mother dragon landed right in front of us. She looked fatally wounded and handed us her newborn child! We areed to take care of it and protect it with our lives. At the moment the baby dragon Te-Kai was asleep. Soon after the mother had died, Annie, Hallie, Kristen and I decided to give her a burial in Hallie's backyard. And this, my friends, end my dragon story! P.S, this isnt a real story! lol! (Annie, Hallie, Kristen and I are definitely real though)lol!