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Keri's Realm

::Turning to face you she smiles and bids you welcome... her dark brown hair sets off her sparkling deep-violet eyes:: Hello there... I'm Keri.. a pleasure to make your aquaintance. ::Her slender finger points to a very comfortable-looking chair:: Please have a seat and I shall tell you my story. I don't have much of a story quite yet, for I am only nearly twenty years old. When I was growing up, my family and I lived in the mountains. We were very poor, and the surrounding kingdoms looked at us in shame. We had to steal our clothing and linens and hunt for our food and water. My mother, Elizabeth, died when she had me... for she was nearly starved. My father, Johnathan, was poisoned by her for getting her pregnant. They both knew that they couldn't afford children. However, she allowed the first child, my sister, Audrie, to be born... but father had a job then. Unfortunately, Audrie has also passed away just recently at the age of 38. Her husband had taken the children with him to the local herb shop in Pakten, when the house was broken into and the sleeping Audrie was slain by the robber.

After my father died I had to move to RhyDin. Not only to get away from the family shack, but also to be able to take care of myself. You know, it's not easy for a young female elf to take care of herself these days. I got tired of stealing and hunting. For awhile, I was with a guild, Order of the Magi (OoM)... but they have closed down, unfortunately. Couldn't keep their members active. It's a shame to have to close something down due to other people's laziness. ::Her lips then curve themselves into a joyous smile:: I now have a new "family" called Nitroidian Chains and Blades (NCB). They have taken me in as one of their healers, have given me shelter, and new supplies including clothing, weaponry, and any healing herb I can think of. ::Her plump lips give a short smirk:: I have started a new tavern called "Mystic Tavern", but there's not that much business yet. I've met a quite a few interesting people so far, but they never stay and talk to me much. I do love a good story now and then. Maybe you could visit me at my tavern (whenever it's open, duh!)and tell your tales? ::Her back arches into a well enjoyed stretch:: Well, that's my whole life for you up until now. Thanks for being kind enough to listen to my story, I hope to see you around. ::Her smile remaining upon her lips, she winks... as she fades into a memory::

OoM Clergy Reg#KS485649
4d84~36,935 exp.
6,720 gold/week
Total: 52,649 Gold

(My other character) Serina

~Write a Scroll to Keri~