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Kat the amusingly

lovable moron

yeah, thats me. i didnt do it. Here i've collected some pictures of me, my freinds, and my pets. so, uh, yeah me. well, about me. IM 5'5,17yrs, gold eyes and light brown hair.

Im surpiseingly shy when placed in new situations. oh, and if you havent allready noticed, i cant spell worth a monkys ass. Favortes: Food: Mexican food and chinses takeout. Book: dur! lord of the rings! Movie: oh geeze, theres tons! Gladiator,Dragonheart/braveheat,

Goldeneye,Moulan Rouge, Hannibal, A beauitful mind, About Adam,

Road trip (" what am I gunna do, stay here and learn?! road trip!") song: "come what may" from Moulan Rouge, "Vide Cor Meum" from "Dante"

( i know, I like WEIRD songs!) Drops of Jupiter by train,

The planets by Holst, Lighting crashes, In the end by likin park,

and a ton of classical music from various soundtracks cd: Moulan Rouge sound track, gladiator, and Lord of the rings band: Likin park Artical of clothing: Does elf ears count? hobbies: Writting, String Bass, Astronmy, Dagorhir,

horses, drawing/sculpting/photagraphy intrestes: Physics, astronmy, space sceince, astrophysics.

Um, music, movies

sharing stories with my freinds, cats and horses,

reading. men, having fun, and computers pets: 3 horses that I love very much, 3 cats, 2 dogs,

goldfish, and a ear of corn i found on the ground. (mwahahah!) family: yup. ive gotts one of those. what im really like: there are two sides of me. I'd like to call them "Kat" and "katya"

Kat is a sarcastic, funny, sometimes mean person who distrusts men.

Katya, on the other hand, loves people, is tenderhearted, and likes the arts. my style is interchanable.

one day ill be sporting An American eagle polo and jeans, the next day, it will be a outfit straigh from hot topic. Basicly im just a little writter girl. heheh.

Ive played one sport in my highshchool years, and that was lacrosse. it was... amusing to say the least.

Guess what? pictures from ragnarok are here!!!! click on the pic below

Dag Buddies