This is a good picture of her...

*.*.*The Katie Shrine*.*.*

How many of you think I like Rinoa?  Raise your hands, raise your hands...
Featured Stuff
Current Obsessions.

Profile of A Goddess
My profile.

Katie's Dead Journal
My pathetic attempt at keeping a journal and not ruining my life by it.

Writing Corner
Gosh, Katie can use a computer, it's amazing...and she can somewhat spell! My God! Let's click over to her writing corner right away!

My friends, with profiles for each of them.

The best of the songs I've written.

I love these guys! They're soooo cute!!!
Shout out to the KeyChain!

E-mail the Key Chain.

Shrines to cartoon characters/anime characters I adore.

Personality Tests
The results of all the hours I've wasted on personality tests.

What I Want
What I'm intrested in and what I believe in. If you don't like it, you can find somewhere else to go.
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