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Josephus Aloysius Family Album
Welcome family member or guest!

This album is full of pictures of family members, loved ones and ones we love just like family. Included are some old friends whom we have not seen or heard from in many years. If you know where some of these are let us know, won't you?

You may browse this album in two ways:

Or, if you've got plenty of time and want to take the whole tour, start at page one and continue on from there. Oh, and by the way, my name is not really Josephus Aloysius but it will do for now. Back to Josephus Aloysius Homepage.
Other Web Sites:
F.M. Perry Homepage
My Home Page

Josephus Aloysius

Other Picture Pages:
Kids' Pictures
Art Gallery
Across the Fields

I have a guestbook for all my web sites: To see others' messages.   To leave a message.