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Plue's Page


Welcome to PLue's site. This site maybe be the replacement to or the add-on to my xanga site. The reason being that Xanga has turned xtremly gay. They have disable the viewing of my pictures. They are asses. I was gunna go to LiveJournal but we shall see bout that. For now I shall reside here at Jay's Realm A.K.A PLue's Page.
For those that may not know who I am.... I am Jay, some call me PLue... sounds like blue but with a P (that's for u tarts out there). Also I am a borderline stupid/mentally insane person ::from what I been told:: I've done stupid things that either end with me getting hurt or me getting yelled at or everyone just laughing at me.. So enough with the greetings and Welcome



force NINE (gaming clan)

My Xanga site

Pic Gallery (Coming Soon)

My Films (Coming Soon)


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