My old site?
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Actually that site never got off the ground and I basically gave up on it. After about a billion gazillion tries I finally got ONE website off the ground *gasp gasp gasp!!!* So you silly peeps can go to my *new* site and *register*! Yeees. You have to *register* *gasp gasp gasp*! Oh no! I guess I'll work on this website in my freetime because geocities is such a pain in the buttocks and won't work sometimes so I'll poke around here and try to figure everything out now and then. Have *fun* ~.^
Go here to get to all the good stuff: To Amoeba! .... Fine don't go. Nyah. Well anyways I've decided i'm going to make a website about *me* . yes all of you stalkers out there this one is abou me. It seems nowadays alot of people have their websites gong "nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah, I'm so cool that I deserve to have a website all about me!" well I'm one of those annoying people. But then again I'm not a very interesting person. I'm actually boring as hell. So this website is just going to be about my daily life and me ranting about it. I don't know why you would care to even read me ranting on and on about how my life sucks and how I feel like a piece of crap that just got flushed down the toilet, but it's your brain that rots and your time that's wasted. I've got nothing better to do (yes I'm pathetic like that) Anyways. I hate keeping an online journal because I feel less important than i do when I think "hey, I'm going to start ranting on my WEBSITE" So deal. Pbbth.
Below are my rantings of random things. There's the date and the title.

10/16/02 - I don't need no crappy title
Stupid Stupid Kids
10/28/02-Popups, Parents, Immature peeps
10/31/02-Happy Halloween!
God, Jala, you're really stupid. You know that? Why do you even bother wasting time on this? I don't know. Sign my guest book anyways.

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