Kalee's Page

Hi every body!!
My name is Kalee, and I am 6 yaers old!!
The growed up lady that takes care of me is helping me
make this realy fun page, and it is just for me!!
I'm teling her what I like, and she is puting
the stuf on here for me!! I hope you like it!! Byee!


I luv this hamster!! It makes me giggle, hehehe!!!!!
Isnt he cute??

This is Jenifer, my pet mouse!
I luv her so much that we made a hole hous for her!
Plees go visit her hous!
She luvs visiters!!

Go To My Mouse Hous!

Go See My Other Adoptions!!

Go See My Diari!!


Heer is one of my pichures, I love the oshen!


I luuuvvvvv sailer moon. its one of my favrit shows!!!


If there's any other kids out there that share a body with other peeple,
like me, I would luv to get a leter from you and be your freind!

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