This is my page dedicated to Fiona Apple. Her music has saved my life; literally. She was raped by a stranger in her complex as a child, and her innocence was stolen from her, very unrightfully, like it was with me. And her songs are not all the canded-coated shallow pansy crap that floods our radio's and television's on a daily basis; she sings honesty, and you can feel the pain that haunts her as you listen to her music.

When I was very seriously suicidal, I would take out her cd's instead of reaching for that knife or those bottle of pills, and as I listened to her sing, the words struck straight at my heart, no matter how many times I had heard it before. And somehow, after hearing her songs, that desire for suicide always began to fade away.
And to this day, whenever the desire for self-injury or suicide comes back to torture me, I reach for her music, and it gives me that sweet release that I so often crave, without having to resort to the blade anymore. And thanks to Fiona, I have yet to pick up a knife for months now.

So this page is for Fiona; I hope that it will represent her passion, her words, and her beauty, although it will hardly do her justice.
(She's also a vegan, like me) :)

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